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If you just reply to this message, and include the entire text of it in the
reply, your reply will go through. However, you should
first review the text of the message to make sure it has something to do
with MySQL. Just typing the word MySQL once will be sufficient, for example.

You have written the following:

Robert, Bjorn et all

Thanks for your advice and support - great to know that folks are using it
in this way and getting good results. I'm looking forward to getting stuck
into this, and appreciate knowing there is an active community out there

P.S. By the way, this is the 5th attempt to send this message, I'm getting
auto replies from the server telling me that my reply appears to be spam or
off-topic. It seems the server filter is very strict as it's rejected a
number of my attempts to send today! I've changed the subject as advised by
the server responses.

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