You don't really have to do the two searches and if-then-else.  You can use
joins to first get all grads, then a join to get all profs.

SELECT user.*,graduser.* FROM graduser LEFT JOIN user USING(userid);
SELECT user.*,profuser.* FROM profuser LEFT JOIN user USING(userid);

These assume USERIDs are unique among grads and profs
-----Original Message-----
From: j.random.programmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 2:56 PM
Subject: SQL/Design -- how to use sub entities/type discriminators ?

Hi all:

Consider a hierarchy of users. All users have certain
properties (they all have a name and date-of-birth).
Additionally, based on their type, users have more
properties. So a graduate user may have information 
regarding the year and school of graduation, a
professor user may have information about the classes
they teach etc.

A intuitive way (for me at least) to model this is to
create a table per type and add a special type
discriminator field that points to the next special
table for that type. So, I have a "User" table that
holds information common to all users and then
specialized tables such as "GradUser", "UndergradUser"
etc., that hold additional specific information about
that particular kind of user.

Table "User" has columns:

Table "GradUser" has columns:

Table "ProfessorUser" has columns:

and Table "UserType" has 2 entries:
usertype        table     description
1               GradUser  type for grad      
2               ProfUser  type for prof's

Taking a concrete example, say one
user-record (shown vertically) looks 

Table: User 
Column      Value
userid      123
name        Molly Millions
usertype    1 

Table: GradUser
id       123
school   Hard-Knocks

So based on the usertype ('1' in the above example), I
have to get the remaining information for Molly from
"GradUser". If the usertype had been '2', I  would
have had to get the remaining information from the
"ProfUser" table instead. 

Note, I can't do a simply join between "User" and
"GradUser" (using "123"), because I don't know the
name of the table ("GradUser" or "ProfUser") until
I have read the "usertype" field in the "User" table.

So what I really need to do is:
-Read a record from User
-Read it's corresponding type.
-Based on the type, choose another
table and read additional information.

MySQL does not have sub-queries but does allow me to
select into temporary tables easily.

What's the most efficient SQL to read a given user's
entire information (common + specific information) ? 
want to minimize traffic between my client and the
server so I would ideally speaking, like to do this
on the database side itself. Essentially I need a
"if .. then" type of logic on the *server*. So in

if (usertype = '1') then join user and graduser
else if (usertype = '2') then join user and profuser

Best regards,


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