Sounds like you have a table (lkup_info) of load dates (date), in which you 
record fileid (did) and date.  Sounds like you do not have a separate table 
of fileids.  I'm assuming that the lkup_info table is updated synchronously 
with the loading of each file that the table is recording, though you 
didn't say that.

If this table also had an auto-increment numeric primary key 
(lkup_info_id), and if we had a MySQL version that is still only a gleam in 
Monty's eye, it would be a piece of cake:

SELECT * FROM lkup_info a
  WHERE a.lkup_info_id IN
         (SELECT MAX(lkup_info_id)
            FROM lkup_info b
           GROUP BY did)

In the absence of sub-selects, you will need to do the subsidiary select as 
a preliminary step, INTO a temporary table.  Then do the main select.

The pain of modifying the query to work without an auto-increment primary 
key, and of waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for it to run, will be far 
worse than the pain of adding an auto-increment primary key if one is not 
already there.

Of course, if the table is not being updated synchronously with loading of 
the files, all this is probably a pipe dream, for which I apologize.


At 02:06 PM 1/24/2002 -0500, Anthony R. J. Ball wrote:
>   Is it possible to select only the latest entries
>from a table?
>   For instance I have a table of datasets that get
>loaded each day. I want to find the latest date that
>each dataset was loaded.
>   I thought maybe a join against itself might be the
>answer, but this doesn't seem to work :)
>from lkup_info AS A, lkup_info AS B
>WHERE A.did = B.did AND MAX( = GROUP BY A.did;
>   But that is basically what I want...
>   Is this possible, or do I need to maintain a
>table for latest updates?

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