A fellow in our shop wrote a perl script to do just that.



Andy Ingham
Systems Librarian
Academic Affairs Library
UNC-Chapel Hill



# describe.pl
# Tim Shearer
# Academic Affairs Library
# University of North Carolia at Chapel Hill

# 01/28/2002
# Please use, distribute, and tweak freely.  I would appreciate
# my name staying with the distributed versions.
# This perl script will do a describe for all tables in a mysql database

# and save the output as a text file locally.
# It requires that you have perl and the perl DBI library installed.
# Note that you may need to change the location of perl (above) to
# where it lives on your box.
# The script relies on a .my.cnf file for usernames/passwords.  It could

# be tweaked to let a user input mysql usernames and passwords
# If the .my.cnf user is root, it offers to allow a describe on all
# If not, the user must input the name of a database where they have
# permissions for a describe.
# The script does a describe on each table, does some formatting (which
# not very sophisticated, long lines won't look pretty), and outputs the

# to the users local directory (from which they are running the script)
# in a file with this pattern: databasename.dsc
# Naturally, it can be run locally, or put out for anyone on a server to

# Don't forget to make it executable if you're not familiar with

use DBI;

$homedir = $ENV{HOME};
$input = $homedir.'/.my.cnf';

open (INFILE, "<$input") || die "Can't open hidden files\n";
while (<INFILE>){
 @pair = split("=", $_);
 $mycnf{$pair[0]} = $pair[1];

my $username = $mycnf{'user'};
my $hostname = $mycnf{'host'};
my $password = $mycnf{'password'};

if ($username eq "root"){  # if root, give them a list of dbs
  my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:mysql";
  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $data_source, $username, $password );

  if ( !defined $dbh ){
    die "Cannot do \$dbh->connect: $DBI::errstr";

  my $query = qq(show databases);
  my $select_sql = qq{ $query };
  my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare( $select_sql );

  $select_sth->execute() or die "Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr";

  while(@ary =  $select_sth->fetchrow() ){
    $db = $ary[0];
    unless($db eq 'mysql' || $db eq 'lost+found'){
      push (@db, $db)

  $count = 1;
  foreach $database (@db){
   print "$count - $database\n";

  print "Choose a number from above: ";
  $chosen = <STDIN>;
  unless($chosen eq "mysql"){
    $chosen = @db[$chosen];

 }else{ # they're not root, let them choose one by typing it directly in

  print "Please input a database that you have access to: ";
  $chosen = <STDIN>;

my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:$chosen:$hostname";
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $data_source, $username, $password ) || die
"\n\nYou do not have permission to access this database.\n\n\n";

if ( !defined $dbh ){
  die "Cannot do \$dbh->connect: $DBI::errstr";

open(OUTFILE, ">$chosen.dsc");
print OUTFILE "$chosen\n";

# Set up a query and prepare it...

my $query = qq(show tables);
my $select_sql = qq{ $query };
my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare( $select_sql );

$select_sth->execute() or die "Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr";
while(@ary =  $select_sth->fetchrow() ){
   $table = $ary[0];
   push (@tables, $table);

foreach $tb (@tables){
 print OUTFILE "\n$tb\n";
 my $query = qq(describe $tb);
 my $select_sql = qq{ $query };
 my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare( $select_sql );
 $select_sth->execute() or die "Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr";
 print OUTFILE

 print OUTFILE '| Field            | Type                            |
Null | Key | Default    | Extra          |'."\n";
 print OUTFILE

 while(my ($fld, $type, $nul, $key, $dft, $xtra) =
$select_sth->fetchrow() ){
   printf OUTFILE "|%-18s|%-33s|%-6s|%-5s|%-12s|%-16s|\n", $fld, $type,
$nul, $key, $dft, $xtra;
 print OUTFILE




--- Original message ----------
Subject: describe all tables
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:52:04 -0800
From: Michael Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can "describe" be used to show columns from all tables in a database?
All at once that is. I want to document all fields in all tables and
find I need to display one table at a time.

||| Michael Collins       |||
||| Kuwago Web Services   |||      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
||| Seattle, WA, USA      |||      http://www.lassodev.com

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