Environment:    AlphaStation 255 w/ 64 MB RAM
                NetBSD 1.5.2 - custom kernel
                MySQL  3.23.47

I'm trying to load data into tables in a mysql database.  When I feed the 
load script into the database it fails about 3/4 through. Error follows:

ERROR 1105 at line 11: File ./geeklog/userinfo.MYD not found (Errcode: 23)

Looking at a few newsgroup postings, I beleive this is due to resource 
limitations.  Specifically, I may have reached the max open descriptors 

I've used the sysctl command to set all soft limits to unlimited, and still 
get the error.  Here is the output of sysctl for my mysqld process:

proc.4012.rlimit.cputime.soft = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.cputime.hard = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.filesize.soft = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.filesize.hard = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.datasize.soft = 1073741824
proc.4012.rlimit.datasize.hard = 1073741824
proc.4012.rlimit.stacksize.soft = 33554432
proc.4012.rlimit.stacksize.hard = 33554432
proc.4012.rlimit.coredumpsize.soft = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.coredumpsize.hard = unlimited
proc.4012.rlimit.memoryuse.soft = 57597952
proc.4012.rlimit.memoryuse.hard = 57597952
proc.4012.rlimit.memorylocked.soft = 57597952
proc.4012.rlimit.memorylocked.hard = 57597952
proc.4012.rlimit.maxproc.soft = 532
proc.4012.rlimit.maxproc.hard = 532
proc.4012.rlimit.descriptors.soft = 1772
proc.4012.rlimit.descriptors.hard = 1772

According to this, I should be able to have 1772 files open...correct?

I'm only trying to load data into 38 tables.  And, IIRC, mysql only opens 
two files per table.  So, I should not be encountering my descriptors limit. 

Any advice would be appreciated.




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