Amendment to that last post....

I don't think the daemon is starting properly, because I can't run a 
mysqladmin version - I just get a hung cursor.

Does anyone know if there's something that would be stopping mysqld from 
loading with the --skip-grant-tables option?  When I do a ps I can see that 
it's definitely been started, but the fact that I can't do anything with 
mysqladmin makes me think that it hasn't loaded the way it needs to.


Ye, that did the trick.  I was able to get the daemon restarted using the 
--skip-grant-tables & option, however now I can't connect to the 
monitor.  Typing in /usr/bin/mysql I just get a hung cursor.  Same if I try 
using /usr/bin/mysql -h hostname mysql

Anyone know why I can't get the monitor started?


At 03:20 PM 2/6/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>If you need to, use the "kill -9 <pid>
>-9 is a definite kill and it will work
>-----Original Message-----
>From: JP Audette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 2:52 PM
>Subject: having trouble killing mysqld to restart and change root
>I'm trying to reset a forgotten password for a MySQL server, and I can't
>kill mysqld via the method mentioned in the documentation (or by any method
>for that matter).  When I try using the command...
>kill 'cat /var/lib/mysql/'
>...I get a message saying that there is no such pid (although that's
>definitely the path specified for the pid when mysqld loads).  I've also
>tried to kill it by running a ps -wax and killing these processes...
>643 ?        S      0:00 sh /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
>    675 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/
>--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ -
>    709 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/
>--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ -
>    710 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/
>--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ -
>I'm not sure if all of these are processes that are actively running, but
>killing them apparently does nothing because I am unable to load mysqld
>again so that I can restart it using the --skip-grant-tables option.
>Can someone help me understand which of the pid's is the actual one, and
>how I can kill it?
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