
> > There are some RDBMS-es that implement SQL to the point of apparently setting up a 
>construct that links
tables -
> > foreign key based data integrity being the first example that springs to (my) 
>mind. However relational logic
> > suggests that the way to set up a linkage between tables is to show this in 
>dynamic logic - your SQL
> > eg
> >
> > SELECT *
> > FROM tbl1, tbl2
> > WHERE tbl1.PrimaryKey = tbl2.ForeignKey;
> >
> > will produce a result-row for every intersection 'match' between the two tables.
> >
> > One of the MAJOR advances of relational databases over their predecessors was this 
>move 'away' from
> > 'connections'. However these have been maintained as 'features' by some, usually 
>to promote

First off, I'll happily discuss this with you, if you want. I won't argue because 
we'll end up agreeing!

At issue in the original conversation was not database theory, but re-training a 
person's thinking. The
discussion was for the benefit of a Portugese guy who was protesting his abilities in 
English - a tall task for
the explanation of technical philosophies or complex theory!

You seem to have a background involving an overview/theoretical study of databases - 
like myself (first at Uni,
and later falling victim to various IBM and Oracle training courses). You and I can 
chat about referential
integrity, constraints, and the differences between them and various types of joins; 
but it's fairly rarified
air up there!

It is my observaton that many people coming to MySQL/this list, are 'graduating' from 
Access, FileMaker,
Paradox, dBase-derivatives and suchlike (largely/originally) 'personal' systems. 
Consequently when they ask
questions like: 'I can define two tables in SQL, but where is the 'line' that shows me 
how they relate to each
other', the answer needs to be first related back to such a tool/the person's 
background knowledge; and then
brought (sometimes kicking and screaming) 'forward' into the brave new world of 
unadulterated SQL/RDBMS.

> Speed/efficiency is a minor issue.

Not true the guy is into gaming and perceived response time is a major issue to 
gamers. On the more mainstream
RDBMS front, see elsewhere (here or perhaps PHP-DB list) for a discussion about how 
Google searches appear to be
so many order of magnitude times faster than MySQL fulltext retrievals (gripe, gripe).

Within RDBMS practice, about the ONLY reasonable justification for de-normalisation is 
speed. Secondly, the
reason why a number of applications don't use RDBMS is still speed - back when we were 
working with indexed
files, ISAM and VSAM, IDMS, etc, it was a long-held belief (and an IBM mantra, for 
example) that one used
'efficient' file systems for transaction processing systems, and 'copied over' the 
data captured there (perhaps
nightly) to a DB2/SQL database for 'inefficient'/expensive "user access".

To me this is one of the grand attractions of MySQL - that by being able to strip away 
many of the
non-aerodynamic features of RDBMSes (as are unnecessary to the particular 
application), you can achieve raw
speed - and that when you must have referential-integrity (for example), you can ask 
the RDBMS to 'activate'
such a facility. (now if I could just get Views...)

Integrity constraints are used to
> prevent people from writing queries that violate relational integrity
> rules; e.g. create orphan records.

I have to admit, I really did gloss over this - intending "efficiency" of the database 
application to include
the dislocation of orphans, and ending up displaying an incomplete response to a query 
because of such, etc,

And integrity constraints are
> unrelated to joins, except in the most incidental way.

I concur - in SQL. However in a bid to 'update' their products, others use the term to 
define a fixed/permanent
relationship between the tables, that goes beyond the logical because one can presume 
the join and talk about
the 'second table' without formally mentioning its name - as you would in a SQL query. 
When such users graduate
to SQL they ask questions like "how do I 'set' the join", and/or, the other way around 
"I joined these tables
'last time', but now they're not joined any more".

I dispute the "incidental" part. The relationship of a FOREIGN KEY back to the 'main' 
table IS a stated
relationship/join between the tables. It is not 'exclusive' to be sure, but if you 
think it worthwhile doing,
then MOST of the time that will be where/how the two tables are joined when they are 
used together...

It is possible
> to use them to create joins, but that's not why they're built into
> databases.

Absolutely, and that's the way it should be - that's the way CODASYL wrote it - but as 
we all know, the problem
with SQL is that it is not a restricted/regulated standard, and when moving from one 
SQL to another it is not
the 'standard' bits that are the problem, but the extras and 'add-ons'.

That was the primary issue (as I read it) of why the original question asked, was 
phrased the way it was.


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