Once tables are CREATEd, the name is listed in SHOW tables using lower case 
characters, regardless of the case
used in the CREATE command.
Using upper case table names in RENAME results in the error.

Workaround: Using lower case equivalent table names works, regardless of the case used 
in the CREATE command.

Windows does not differentiate between X1 and x1 as table/filenames. *nix does. 
Perhaps CREATE has been
Window-ised but RENAME has not (yet).

WinNT 4.0 SP6a, MySQL vn 3.23.40-nt

----- Original Message -----
From: "SubbaReddy M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 15 February 2002 10:16
Subject: Re: Suspected Bug

> Yeah, for me also find error.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------
> mysql> create table X1(name varchar(10));
> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
> mysql> insert into X1 values(5);
> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
> mysql> RENAME TABLE X1 TO X2;
> ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'RENAME TABLE X1 TO
> X2' at line 1
> mysql>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------
> Regards,
> ~ SubbaReddy .M
>    Sr. Programmer, Frontlinesoft, Hyderabad
>    http://www.frontlinesoft.com
>    ICQ: 56093095
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fred Lovine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:23 PM
> Subject: Suspected Bug
> > MySQL is awesome, but I think I found a bug.
> >
> > The following script:
> >
> > CREATE  TABLE X1 (x smallint);
> > insert into X1 values(5);
> >
> > is producing the following error:
> >
> > 7 - Error on rename '.\<db>\X1.MY1' to '.\<db>\X2.MYI' (Errcode: 13)
> >
> > The problem seems to be caused by using uppercase table names. The problem
> > does not happen when the table names are all lowercase.
> >
> > MySQL version: 3.23.47-nt
> > Running on Windows 2000 Pro
> >
> > Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.
> >
> > Server Variables
> > ----------------
> > Variable CLW Laptop
> > back_log 50
> > basedir C:\CLW\MySQL\
> > binlog_cache_size 32768
> > character_set latin1
> > character_sets latin1 big5 czech euc_kr gb2312 gbk sjis tis620 ujis dec8
> dos
> > german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish hebrew win1251 estonia
> > hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257 latin5
> > concurrent_insert ON
> > connect_timeout 5
> > datadir C:\CLW\MySQL\data\
> > delay_key_write ON
> > delayed_insert_limit 100
> > delayed_insert_timeout 300
> > delayed_queue_size 1000
> > flush OFF
> > flush_time 1800
> > have_bdb NO
> > have_gemini NO
> > have_innodb NO
> > have_isam YES
> > have_raid NO
> > have_openssl NO
> > init_file
> > interactive_timeout 28800
> > join_buffer_size 131072
> > key_buffer_size 8384512
> > language C:\CLW\MySQL\share\english\
> > large_files_support ON
> > log OFF
> > log_update OFF
> > log_bin OFF
> > log_slave_updates OFF
> > log_long_queries OFF
> > long_query_time 10
> > low_priority_updates OFF
> > lower_case_table_names 1
> > max_allowed_packet 130048
> > max_binlog_cache_size 4294967295
> > max_binlog_size 1073741824
> > max_connections 100
> > max_connect_errors 10
> > max_delayed_threads 20
> > max_heap_table_size 16777216
> > max_join_size 4294967295
> > max_sort_length 1024
> > max_user_connections 0
> > max_tmp_tables 32
> > max_write_lock_count 4294967295
> > myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size 256
> > myisam_max_sort_file_size 2047
> > myisam_recover_options 0
> > myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608
> > net_buffer_length 16384
> > net_read_timeout 30
> > net_retry_count 10
> > net_write_timeout 60
> > open_files_limit 0
> > pid_file C:\CLW\MySQL\data\laptop.pid
> > port 3306
> > protocol_version 10
> > record_buffer 131072
> > record_rnd_buffer 131072
> > query_buffer_size 0
> > safe_show_database OFF
> > server_id 0
> > slave_net_timeout 3600
> > skip_locking ON
> > skip_networking OFF
> > skip_show_database OFF
> > slow_launch_time 2
> > socket MySQL
> > sort_buffer 2097144
> > sql_mode 0
> > table_cache 64
> > table_type MYISAM
> > thread_cache_size 0
> > thread_stack 65536
> > transaction_isolation READ-COMMITTED
> > timezone Eastern Standard Time
> > tmp_table_size 33554432
> > tmpdir C:\WINNT\TEMP\
> > version 3.23.47-nt
> > wait_timeout 28800
> >
> >
> > Fred Lovine
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Before posting, please check:
> >    http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
> >    http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
> >
> > To request this thread, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail
> > Trouble unsubscribing? Try: http://lists.mysql.com/php/unsubscribe.php
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Before posting, please check:
>    http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
>    http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
> To request this thread, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To unsubscribe, e-mail 
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   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
   http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)

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