Ok well the only reason I was using 4.0.0 is because I hadn't finished
developing the application and figured I'd just leave what I installed at
start before upgrading. I will install 4.0.1-max now and try that out and if
I have further problems I will let you know.

All my tables are innodb and for future reference, here is my my.cnf

# The MySQL server
port            = 3306
socket          = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable    = key_buffer=256M
set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable    = table_cache=256
set-variable    = sort_buffer=1M
set-variable    = record_buffer=1M
set-variable    = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable    = thread_cache=8
set-variable    = max_binlog_size=2097152
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable    = thread_concurrency=8
server-id       = 1

# Uncomment the following if you are using BDB tables
#set-variable   = bdb_cache_size=64M
#set-variable   = bdb_max_lock=100000

# Uncomment the following if you are using Innobase tables
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata/ibdata1:4000M
innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/var/
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/var/
innodb_log_arch_dir = /usr/local/mysql/var/
set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1
set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=5M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=100M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=20M
set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50


----- Original Message -----
From: "Heikki Tuuri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ""Richard Clarke"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql dies with Signal 11

> Richard,
> >(gdb) thread 1
> >[Switching to thread 1 (process 31905, thread 1)]
> >#0  0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >#1  0x82a33c0 in mysql_bin_log ()
> >#2  0x80b7cd8 in ha_commit_trans ()
> >#3  0x8076e24 in mysql_execute_command ()
> >#4  0x80788c8 in mysql_parse ()
> >#5  0x8073454 in dispatch_command ()
> >#6  0x80784c5 in do_command ()
> >#7  0x80728f4 in handle_one_connection ()
> >#8  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#9  0x0 in ?? ()
> looks like mysqld crashed when it was writing to the MySQL binlog.
> If you can repeat the crash easily, please do
> CFLAGS="-g" CXXFLAGS="-g" ./configure --with-innodb
> gmake
> so that you get a mysqld binary with the debug info compiled in. Then run
> mysqld inside gdb, and do
> gdb>bt full
> when it crashes. Also do 'bt full' for other 'interesting' threads than
> one which crashed.
> What is your my.cnf like? What table types you use?
> Lots of bugs have been fixed since 4.0.0, but I did not notice anything
> connected to the binlog. When Monty gets back from the Galapagos Islands
> March 4, he will start building 4.0.2.
> Why do you run 4.0? 3.23.49 might be a safer bet. What FreeBSD version you
> run? What threads you use? There are problems with some thread
> implementations in FreeBSD.
> Best regards,
> Heikki Tuuri
> Innobase Oy
> ---
> Order technical MySQL/InnoDB support at https://order.mysql.com/
> See http://www.innodb.com for the online manual and latest news on InnoDB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Richard Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
> Date: Sunday, February 24, 2002 2:42 AM
> Subject: Mysql dies with Signal 11
> >Hi,
> >    I seem to be getting intermittant crashes of mysql. The error log
> prints
> >the following,
> >
> >mysqld got signal 11;
> >This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
> >or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly
> >or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning
> >We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
> >diagnose
> >the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
> >wrong
> >and this may fail.
> >
> >key_buffer_size=268431360
> >record_buffer=1044480
> >sort_buffer=1048568
> >max_used_connections=5
> >max_connections=100
> >threads_connected=5
> >It is possible that mysqld could use up to
> >key_buffer_size + (record_buffer + sort_buffer)*max_connections = 466539
> >bytes of memory
> >Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
> >
> >020223 13:00:01  mysqld restarted
> >InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.
> >InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files...
> >InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at
> >InnoDB: log sequence number 82 1555315003
> >etc...
> >
> >Can some please suggest what steps I can take to discovering what is
> >I have attached server info and gdb output to bottom of email.
> >This is a very active server processing 150 apache hits a second. A
> seperate
> >looped process takes cgi data inserted into an IPC MSGQ and sticks it in
> the
> >db and another seperate looped process takes data from this db and dumps
> >a db on a remote machine.
> >
> >
> >Richard
> >
> >p.s.
> >    Your MySQL connection id is 7 to server version: 4.0.0-alpha-log
> >    I'm running a dual 1ghz FreeBSD box with 1gig of ram.
> >
> >(gdb) run -u mysql
> >Starting program: /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld -u mysql
> >020223 14:09:16  InnoDB: Started
> >/usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
> >
> >(after about 8hrs.....)
> >Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> >0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >
> >(gdb) info threads
> >  14 process 31905, thread 14  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  13 process 31905, thread 13  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  12 process 31905, thread 12  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  11 process 31905, thread 11  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  10 process 31905, thread 10  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  9 process 31905, thread 9  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  8 process 31905, thread 8  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  7 process 31905, thread 7  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  6 process 31905, thread 6  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  5 process 31905, thread 5  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  4 process 31905, thread 4  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >  3 process 31905, thread 3  0x82013dc in _thread_sys_close ()
> >  2 process 31905, thread 2  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >* 1 process 31905, thread 1  0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >
> >(gdb) thread 1
> >[Switching to thread 1 (process 31905, thread 1)]
> >#0  0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x82011ce in memcpy ()
> >#1  0x82a33c0 in mysql_bin_log ()
> >#2  0x80b7cd8 in ha_commit_trans ()
> >#3  0x8076e24 in mysql_execute_command ()
> >#4  0x80788c8 in mysql_parse ()
> >#5  0x8073454 in dispatch_command ()
> >#6  0x80784c5 in do_command ()
> >#7  0x80728f4 in handle_one_connection ()
> >#8  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#9  0x0 in ?? ()
> >
> >(gdb) thread 2
> >[Switching to thread 2 (process 31905, thread 2)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81dd4fc in _read ()
> >#3  0x81dd56a in read ()
> >#4  0x81ad019 in vio_read ()
> >#5  0x806945b in my_real_read ()
> >#6  0x806973e in my_net_read ()
> >#7  0x80784a8 in do_command ()
> >#8  0x80728f4 in handle_one_connection ()
> >#9  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#10 0x0 in ?? ()
> >
> >(gdb) thread 3
> >[Switching to thread 3 (process 31905, thread 3)]
> >#0  0x82013dc in _thread_sys_close ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x82013dc in _thread_sys_close ()
> >Error accessing memory address 0xe2fa6fd4: Bad address.
> >(gdb) thread 4
> >[Switching to thread 4 (process 31905, thread 4)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81dd4fc in _read ()
> >#3  0x81dd56a in read ()
> >#4  0x81ad019 in vio_read ()
> >#5  0x806945b in my_real_read ()
> >#6  0x806973e in my_net_read ()
> >#7  0x80784a8 in do_command ()
> >#8  0x80728f4 in handle_one_connection ()
> >#9  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#10 0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 5
> >[Switching to thread 5 (process 31905, thread 5)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81d3802 in sigwait ()
> >#3  0x806dc25 in signal_hand ()
> >#4  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#5  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 6
> >[Switching to thread 6 (process 31905, thread 6)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81dd29f in select ()
> >#3  0x817ab38 in os_thread_sleep ()
> >#4  0x80de4f6 in srv_master_thread ()
> >#5  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#6  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 7
> >[Switching to thread 7 (process 31905, thread 7)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81dd29f in select ()
> >#3  0x817ab38 in os_thread_sleep ()
> >#4  0x80ded7f in srv_error_monitor_thread ()
> >#5  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#6  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 8
> >[Switching to thread 8 (process 31905, thread 8)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3d82 in pthread_cond_wait ()
> >#3  0x817a78d in os_event_wait ()
> >#4  0x80de365 in srv_lock_timeout_and_monitor_thread ()
> >#5  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#6  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 9
> >[Switching to thread 9 (process 31905, thread 9)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3d82 in pthread_cond_wait ()
> >#3  0x817a78d in os_event_wait ()
> >#4  0x817cdeb in os_aio_simulated_handle ()
> >#5  0x815640d in fil_aio_wait ()
> >#6  0x80e0ad9 in io_handler_thread ()
> >#7  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#8  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 10
> >[Switching to thread 10 (process 31905, thread 10)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3d82 in pthread_cond_wait ()
> >#3  0x817a78d in os_event_wait ()
> >#4  0x817cdeb in os_aio_simulated_handle ()
> >#5  0x815640d in fil_aio_wait ()
> >#6  0x80e0ad9 in io_handler_thread ()
> >#7  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#8  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 11
> >[Switching to thread 11 (process 31905, thread 11)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3d82 in pthread_cond_wait ()
> >#3  0x817a78d in os_event_wait ()
> >#4  0x817cdeb in os_aio_simulated_handle ()
> >#5  0x815640d in fil_aio_wait ()
> >#6  0x80e0ad9 in io_handler_thread ()
> >#7  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#8  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 12
> >[Switching to thread 12 (process 31905, thread 12)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3ffa in pthread_cond_timedwait ()
> >#3  0x81d7c3e in _thread_gc ()
> >#4  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#5  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 13
> >[Switching to thread 13 (process 31905, thread 13)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfe15 in _thread_kern_sched_state_unlock ()
> >#2  0x81e3d82 in pthread_cond_wait ()
> >#3  0x817a78d in os_event_wait ()
> >#4  0x817cdeb in os_aio_simulated_handle ()
> >#5  0x815640d in fil_aio_wait ()
> >#6  0x80e0ad9 in io_handler_thread ()
> >#7  0x81d446d in _thread_start ()
> >#8  0x0 in ?? ()
> >(gdb) thread 14
> >[Switching to thread 14 (process 31905, thread 14)]
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >(gdb) bt
> >#0  0x81df52d in _thread_kern_sched ()
> >#1  0x81dfdb7 in _thread_kern_sched_state ()
> >#2  0x81dd29f in select ()
> >#3  0x806ee4e in handle_connections_sockets ()
> >#4  0x806e877 in main ()
> >#5  0x8048135 in _start ()
> >
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Before posting, please check:
> >   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
> >   http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
> >
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> >To unsubscribe, e-mail
> >Trouble unsubscribing? Try: http://lists.mysql.com/php/unsubscribe.php
> >
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>    http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
>    http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
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