This is what I usually do..

In the file you use to update the content for the page
(I'm assuming it's a file with a textarea box on it)
I have this function:

function htmlchars2txt($text) { 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(quot|#34);","\"",$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(amp|#38);","&",$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(lt|#60);","<",$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(gt|#62);",">",$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(nbsp|#160);"," ",$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(iexcl|#161);",161,$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(cent|#162);",162,$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(pound|#163);",163,$text); 
        $text = ereg_replace("&(copy|#169);",169,$text);
        $text = ereg_replace("&(#039);","'",$text);
        $text = ereg_replace("<br>|<br />","",$text);
        //$text = ereg_replace("?([0-9]{1,3});","\\1",$text); 
        //$text = preg_replace("/?([0-9]{1,3});/e","chr('\\1')",$text);
//Same as above line. 
        return $text; 

When the form is submitted, I then run the textarea variable though
these two PHP functions before putting in my SQL statement..


When I load the page with the textarea box on it, I then run the
blob field I pull from the database though the 'htmlchars2txt' function:


then I populate the textarea like so:


Then on the HTML page, you just output the blob file like so:


PS: I have ASP tags turned on, on my server.

Johnny Withers
p. 601.853.0211
c. 601.209.4985 

-----Original Message-----
From: Julio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 10:33 AM
Subject: help | i'm new

hi.  i'm a dumb newbie.  excuse my ignorance.

i'm using a <blob> field to store content for a webpage.  The problem i
is that i enter text into the field in a formatted way (with line
etc) and when i pull it back out into the PHP page from a query it gets
of all the
line breaks and paragraph breaks i had.  now, i know that this is
because i
didn't store the HTML formatted code, but i'd like to know how to insert
formatted content into a database and print it back on a page.  i'm
Dreamweaver Ultradev 4, btw.


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