At 12:43 -0500 2/26/02, Philip Mak wrote:
>I made an Excel spreadsheet containing grades of students in my class,
>like this:
>(name) (email) (assignment 1 grade)    (assignment 2 grade)
>For when a student did not submit an assignment, I just left the field
>I'm trying to import the spreadsheet into a MySQL table of the
>following format:
>name VARCHAR(30)
>email VARCHAR(30)
>When I typed the following:
>load data local infile 'grades.txt' into table grades
>   fields terminated by '\t';
>it set the integer columns to 0 if they were blank in the text file.
>How can I make it set those to NULL instead?

You'll have to preprocess the file to convert empty fields to \N.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# - Convert empty input fields to \N.

# Assumes tab-delimited, linefeed-terminated input lines.

use strict;

while (<>)
     my @val = split (/\t/, $_, 10000); # split, preserving all fields
     # map empty fields to \N, write as tab-delimited output line
     print join ("\t", map { /^$/ ? "\\N" : $_ } @val) . "\n";

exit (0);

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