Hi everybody!

        I have found following 'bug' in type TIMESTAMP:

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        Create a table with 2 TIMESTAMP fields:

CREATE TABLE `prueba` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `fecha1` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `fecha2` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

        Insert some data:

mysql> INSERT INTO prueba VALUES (NULL,20020313100138,20020313100340);
mysql> INSERT INTO prueba VALUES (NULL,20020313094114,20020312094031);

mysql> select * from prueba;
| id | fecha1         | fecha2         |
|  1 | 20020313100138 | 20020313100340 |

        And then:

mysql> UPDATE prueba SET fecha1= '20020313101000' WHERE id=1;
mysql> select * from prueba;
| id | fecha1         | fecha2         |
|  1 | 20020313101000 | 20020313100340 |

        It's OK.

        But if:

mysql> UPDATE prueba SET fecha2= '20020313101000' WHERE id=1;
mysql> select * from prueba;
| id | fecha1         | fecha2         |
|  1 | 20020313101501 | 20020313101000 |

mysql> select now();
| now()               |
| 2002-03-13 10:15:23 |

        Field 'fecha1' has changed to 'now()'. 
        Is this a bug?


                José Ceferino Ortega

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