I have a strange, but probably easy to fix problem. I need to check to see if something is in a table...that part is easy, but if the table is empty, it doesn't go through my "while" statement so that I can create something in it. I am sure that if there was something in the table, that I would not be having this problem. Below is my code.
----------- $searchStmt = "SELECT * from division1rank"; $stmt= substr($searchStmt, 0, strlen($searchStmt)) ; // Connect to the Database if (!($link=mysql_pconnect($hostName, $userName, $password))) { DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("error connecting to host %s, by user %s", $hostName, $userName)) ; exit() ; } // Select the Database if (!mysql_select_db($databaseName, $link)) { DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("Error in selecting %s database", $databaseName)) ; DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("error:%d %s", mysql_errno($link), mysql_error($link))) ; exit() ; } // Execute the Statement if (!($result =mysql_query($stmt, $link))) { DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("Error in executing %s stmt", $stmt)) ; DisplayErrMsg(sprintf("error:%d %s", mysql_errno($link), mysql_error($link))) ; exit() ; } while (($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))){ if($row->team_id == "$team_id"){ echo "It is in there"; }else{ echo "We will need to add it to the table"; } } } --------------------------------------------------------------------- Before posting, please check: http://www.mysql.com/manual.php (the manual) http://lists.mysql.com/ (the list archive) To request this thread, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To unsubscribe, e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Trouble unsubscribing? Try: http://lists.mysql.com/php/unsubscribe.php