
There are nine different states (and there are 12 months).
The main problem is the layout and the order of the results set. I will
9 state (provinces) and I would prefer the month to be the columns. The
ideal results would look like this, Please note I have only included 5
and there is 9 but you see what I'm looking for, also the statement_date
always the 1st of the month:
It would therefore not make sense to switch rows and cols!
[It doesn't much matter but are we talking significant numbers of
rows?] - I assume we are, so ...

I said "This can be done in a single query" - let's get on with it:-

> INVOICE table layout:
> ------+
> | ID                      | int(11)       |      | PRI | NULL    |
> auto_increment |
> | CLIENT_NAME             | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> | STATE                   | varchar(255)  | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> | STATEMENT_DATE          | date          | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> | INVOICE_AMOUNT          | double(16,2)  | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> | LAST_MODIFIED_DATE      | timestamp(14) | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> | ACTIVE_FLAG             | tinyint(1)    | YES  |     | NULL    |
> |
> ------+
> I would like to produce a result set that would give me the following
> report:
> it would be a sum of the INVOICE_AMOUNT grouped by state(STATE) and
> +------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
> | MONTH      | STATE_1 | STATE_2 | STATE_3 | ...     |
> +------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
> | JANUARY    |    1234 |   12345 |     124 |         |
> | FEBRUARY   |    2536 |   65874 |     457 |         |
> | MARCH      |    4578 |   87452 |     547 |         |
> | ...        |         |         |         |         |
> +------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+

SELECT SUM(invoice_amount), state, statement_date
FROM invoice
GROUP BY state, statement_date

| SUM(invoice_amount) | state         | statement_date |
|            65389.35 | Manitoba      | 2001-12-01     |
|           194224.45 | New Brunswick | 2001-12-01     |
|           271516.40 | Quebec        | 2001-12-01     |
|           361673.95 | Quebec        | 2002-01-01     |

| SUM(invoice_amount) | state         | statement_date |
|                0.00 | Alberta       | 2001-12-01     |
|            65389.35 | Manitoba      | 2001-12-01     |
|           194224.45 | New Brunswick | 2001-12-01     |
|                0.00 | Ontario       | 2001-12-01     |
|           271516.40 | Quebec        | 2001-12-01     |
|                0.00 | Alberta       | 2002-01-01     |
|                0.00 | Manitoba      | 2002-01-01     |
|                0.00 | New Brunswick | 2002-01-01     |
|                0.00 | Ontario       | 2002-01-01     |
|           361673.95 | Quebec        | 2002-01-01     |

Let's deal with the months first (ref man: 6.3.4 Date and Time
Functions). Put the month name in the left-hand column by extracting it
from the statement date column:

SELECT MONTH( statement_date ), as Month, SUM(invoice_amount), state
FROM invoice
GROUP BY state, statement_date

should produce something like:

| Month    | SUM(invoice_amount) | state         |
| December     |                0.00 | Alberta       |
| December     |            65389.35 | Manitoba      |
| December     |           194224.45 | New Brunswick |
| December     |                0.00 | Ontario       |
| December     |           271516.40 | Quebec        |
| January    |                0.00 | Alberta       |
| January     |                0.00 | Manitoba      |
| January     |                0.00 | New Brunswick |
| January     |                0.00 | Ontario       |
| January     |           361673.95 | Quebec        |

and while we're dealing with temporal matters, don't forget that if you
have more than twelve month's worth of data March/April may appear more
than once in the output!

The next step is to get those states into columns instead of rows. Let's
start with Alberta (where else?) - and only Alberta - so what we'd like
to see is something like:

SELECT MONTH( statement_date ), as Month, SUM(invoice_amount)
FROM invoice
WHERE state = "Alberta"
GROUP BY statement_date

| Month    | SUM(invoice_amount) |
| December     |                0.00 |
| January    |                0.00 |

but that won't scale up because when we work with more than one state,
the WHERE clause is going to end up mixing state/data/lists again. Is
there another way to achieve the same thing? (ref man: Control
Flow Functions) Try:

SELECT MONTH( statement_date ), as Month, SUM( IF( state = "Alberta",
invoice_amount, 0 ) ) AS Alberta
FROM invoice
GROUP BY statement_date

| Month    | Alberta     |
| December     |                0.00 |
| January    |                0.00 |

Perhaps we should have chosen Quebec where they speak French, SQL, and
English (and in that order of preference)!?

Once you've satisfied yourself that you have that working, replicate the
SUM(IF()) across the columns/states. If you want a country-wide total
for the month, copy the existing SUM() in as the last column (with an AS
alias to put a better label on the output report).

Which leaves us only with the question: is Alberta a state or a
province, eh?

PS warning: I have not checked any of this code on my machine.

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