Hi -

This is my first post to the mySQL list, so hello world!

I am not a great expert in mySQL or SQL in general, but I have some
knowledge and experience with Access, mSQL, Oracle & mySQL.

I am trying to build a procedure on Mac OS9 using MacSQL as a mySQL client,
controlled by Applescript (because the database transactions are only part
of the story). I have a single hosted mySQL database at my ISP.

My problem;

I am running out of connections in a simple scenario.  It seems my ISP
limits me to a connection pool of 5.  But I cannot see why I am using more
than 1 in this case:

The relevant bits of script are:

at start up I acivate MacSQL and open a document. I define my session as the
session of the front MacSQL window (only window in fact). I do this once

tell application "MacSQL"
    open file "Macintosh HD:Projects:website design:vinet-mysql"
    -- removed some stuff which waits whilst MacSQL connects to ISP
    set theSession to (session 1 of front document)
end tell

Then in a repeat loop I carry out the following - currently just a test

tell application "MacSQL"
    set myQuery to "select * from photolib"
    set numRows to query theSession sending myQuery
end tell

after 5 loops I get the error message: "MacSQL got an error: Connection pool
limit reached."

But as far as I can tell, I have 1 session (=1 connection) open, and I'm
reusing it.  If I repeatedly enter SQL queries in the line mode window of
MacSQL, I don't get the same problem.

I appreciate that AppleScript & MacSQL are not likely to be common topics on
this list, but if anybody can give me a clue how I should ensure that I am
reusing my initial connection to mySQL I would appreciate it.


David Mantripp

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