Sometimes, simpler is better.

on 4/16/02 4:16 PM, Gurhan Ozen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ad_pubid, client_region,
  count(distinct ad_clientid) as Advertisers
  ads, clients
  ads.ad_clientid = clients.client_id
group by
  ad_pubid, client_region;

I think I was too busy trying to make it come out pretty.  My public thanks
to Gurhan for the simple solution.


on 4/16/02 3:46 PM, Kevin Murphy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello.
> I have just spent the afternoon pouring over the mailing list archives and
> the manual trying to find a way to do this, but have come up pretty empty,
> so I decided it was time to ask the list.
> I have a database that our sales team uses to track their sales efforts.
> For the sake of simplicity, and to make this problem easier to digest, it
> can be described in two tables:
> ads = advertisements sold
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | Field         | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | ad_id         | int(11) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
> | ad_clientid   | int(8)           |      |     |         |                |
> | ad_pubid      | int(8)           |      |     |         |                |
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> clients = clients who have purchased ads
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | Field         | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | client_id     | int(11) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
> | client_region | char(3)          |      |     | 0       |                |
> +---------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> The easy part (what already works):
> We can generate a report that tells us how many ads were sold in each
> publication, broken down by region.  We can also make that same query tell
> us the total number of advertisers in each publication (a single client can
> purchase multiple ads in a single publication), like this:
> select
>   ad_pubid,
>   count(ad_pubid) as ads_sold,
>   count(distinct ad_clientid) as advertisers,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='DL',1,0)) as DL_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='GN',1,0)) as GN_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='LK',1,0)) as LK_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='ME',1,0)) as ME_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='MN',1,0)) as MN_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='SC',1,0)) as SC_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='SW',1,0)) as SW_ads_sold,
>   SUM(IF(client_region='WM',1,0)) as WM_ads_sold
> from ads
> inner join clients on ad_clientid = client_id
> group by ad_pubid
> (the actual query and table structures are much more complex, and include
> relationships to make the publication name visible, total prices and other
> human-oriented stuff like that, but the above gets the point across)
> Problem: Our sales staff wants me to run this same report, but tell them how
> many ADVERTISERS bought in each region, NOT the number of ADS SOLD in each
> region.  So, what I'd like to be able to do is to change the SUM lines to
> read something like this (the following doesn't work ;):
> SUM(IF(client_region='GN' and distinct(client_id),1,0)) as GN_ads_sold,
> What I CAN do is query for each region, like this:
> select
>   ad_pubid,
>   count(distinct ad_clientid) as WM_Advertisers
> from
>   ads
>   inner join clients on ad_clientid = client_id
> where
>   client_region = 'WM'
> group by
>   ad_pubid
> But, as you can imagine, I don't WANT to do it that way, because it will
> mean making EIGHT queries in order to get the numbers I need for a single
> report.  And I'm trying to get OUT of the
> gotta-write-a-fancy-script-to-generate-this-report business, because it just
> takes too darned long!
> Does anybody know of a way to do this in a single query?  It just seems like
> it should be SO possible! I did notice that COUNT(distinct expr) can take
> multiple expressions, but the documentation is pretty thin in describing
> 'how it works', so I'm not sure what to expect when giving it more than one
> expression, or, for that matter, what to give it for expressions in the
> first place!  I've tried trial-and-error, and nothing seemed to be yielding
> predictable results.
> So, I'm off to write a PHP script to generate this silly report.  But if
> someone comes up with a way to do it without a script, or has any
> suggestions about how to do it better, I'm ALL EARS.
> Thanks!
> -Kevin

Kevin Murphy
Director of Technology

Glen Group
Marketing and Advertising Design
P.O. Box 2838, 170 Kearsarge Street
North Conway, New Hampshire 03860

Voice: 603-356-3030 | FAX: 603-356-3991

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