
Trying to get replication going between to W2K machines and getting the
following errors in the Slave log file.

MySql: ready for connections
020509 18:58:52  Slave thread: error connecting to master:Can't connect to
MySQL server on '' (10049)(0), retry in 60 sec
020509 18:59:54  Slave thread: error connecting to master:Can't connect to
MySQL server on '' (10049)(0), retry in 60 sec
020509 19:00:57  Slave thread: error connecting to master:Can't connect to
MySQL server on '' (10049)(0), retry in 60 sec

Below are the two my.cnf files which as far as I can see should be ok.

my.cnf Master

my.cnf Slave

Below are the output from some other checks, it's got the "connecting to
master" in the colum.
Looking at the log file it's getting the "MySQL server on ''" which seems to
indicate that it doesn't have a host or IP address to connect to!

Any ideas?



So from Master...
mysql> show master status;
| File              | Position | Binlog_do_db | Binlog_ignore_db |
| dnatest03-bin.002 | 73       |              |                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And from Slave...
mysql> show slave status
    -> ;
| Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_retry | Log_File | Pos |
Slave_Running | Replicate_do_db | Replicate_ignore_db | Last_errno |
Last_error | Skip_counter |
|               | test        | 3306        | 60           |          | 4
| Yes           |                 |                       | 0          |
| 0            |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show processlist
| Id | User          | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State| Info
|  1 | system user   | none      | NULL | Connect | 985  | connecting to
master| NULL             |
|  2 | administrator | localhost | NULL | Sleep   | 5    || NULL
|  3 | ODBC          | localhost | NULL | Query   | 0    | NULL| show
processlist |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)

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