Dear MySQL wizards,

Thanks for your help in the past.  I'm gaining on it!  

Here is a SELECT statement that does exactly what I want it to do...
SELECT lml.*, ahs.registrant FROM lml INNER JOIN ahs USING (cultivar)

OR for a more generic presentation,

SELECT a.*, b.field7 FROM a INNER JOIN b USING (field1) 
And what do I want it to do?  Select all fields from a, and one field from b 
(field7) for just those records that match the key field1.  Don't display the 
orginal value for field7 of A but replace that value with what is in B.  This 
appears to work.   

Let me state this another way.  I have one database with two tables, A and B. 
 There is one identical key field (field1=cultivar) in both databases.  The 
number of records is not the same but I do have a unique key that is the same 
in both tables.  Database A has a field (field7=registrant) that is out of 
date and I want to UPDATE that data into A.  As I understand it, I can't use 
an update statement on two tables simultaneously.   Remember, Table B has the 
correct data and I simply want to create a new table, or UPDATE that data 
into A.  SO.....

I run the query, the system displays the correct data but I need to write 
this out to a new table.  When I try...

"#mysql -u mysql database_name -p < file_with_functioning_select statement"

...I simply get a help page for mysql that tells me little.  

How do I create a temporary table with this select statement and then write 
the temporary table out to disk so that it becomes permanent?  

Alternatively, I might be able to use a JOIN statement but I can't use this 
with the mySQLMan, of which I am aware.   

TIA for any help,

Andrew Lietzow
The ACL Group, Inc. 

On Saturday 18 May 2002 11:41 am, mySQL list wrote:

> Hi, hope somebody can help me - what I want to do is simple I'm sure, but I
> can't work out how to do it: I want to replace a column in a table,
> containing text, with a key to another new table which holds the text.
> Example:
> Given a table, 'people', which contains two columns, name, and town, like
> this:
> name          town
> ------        ------
> fred          london
> jo            liverpool
> amy           chicago
> mary          chicago
> I create a new table, towns:
> townid        town
> ------        ----
> 1             london
> 2             liverpool
> 3             chicago
> So far good. Now I want to add a townid column to 'people', and update to
> point to the corresponding row in 'towns'. I add a new column, townid, but
> then how do I update the values?? I have tried both of these:
> UPDATE people SET people.townid = towns.townid WHERE
> and
> UPDATE people INNER JOIN towns ON = SET
> people.townid = towns.townid;
> mysql gives syntax errors in both cases (both work ok with access 2000).
> Is there a way to do this without creating temporary intermediate tables?
> Any help greatly appreciated!
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Andrew Lietzow               
The ACL Group, Inc.
515-274-0300 v/f
515-710-1955 c

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