Problem: mysql & mysqld cannot communicate (error 2003)

(a) I installed mysql on a Unix SunOS system, but the post-installation died silently 
in mysql_install_db. There 
were no diagnostic messages. Trial-and-error indicated that mysql_install-db has a bug 
(a missing '&'). When 
this is patched, the script seems to work.
(b) But I still can't get any response from mysql, only error 2003: Can't connect to 
MySQL server. I've search 
the documentation and the newsgroup archives fairly intensively. I can see that a 
number of other people have 
had the same or similar problem, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for 
me. I have now spent about 
about 15 hours just trying to get MySQL to do anything. Full details below. Any useful 
suggestions that I've not 
already tried would be appreciated.

Operating system: SunOS 5.6 on a Sun Ultra 5
MySql version: 3.22.30
Binary distribution: mysql-3_22_30-sun-sunos4_1_4-sparc_tar.gz

Actions taken:


0. I installed a binary because I don't have C++ on my Unix box. I chose the SunOS-4 
version of MySQL 
because that seemed closest to the SunOS-5 system that I am using.

1. The MySQL documentation recommends installing in /usr/local/ but this directory did 
not exist, and /usr is 
protected. So, I unprotected /usr and created /local.

2. I added the mysql command:
shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -g mysql mysql

3. I attempted the specified unpacking command:
shell> gunzip < /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz | tar xvf -
which in my case should be:
shell> gunzip < /usr/local/mysql-3_22_30-sun-sunos4_1_4-sparc_tar.gz | tar xvf -
This did not work.
(a) gunzip was not recognised, but I found that gzip -d could be used instead.
(b) tar kept on failing with the error message 'tar: directory checksum error'. I 
downloaded some other versions 
of MySQL but got the same error. After searching around the net, it seemed that I 
needed to use GNU tar. I 
downloaded GNU tar; it didn't work, but then I found a GNU tar already on the system 
called 'gtar' and used 
that. (I then noticed the completely uninformative  sentence in the MySQL 
documentation: "Sun tar is known
to have problems", which is meaningful only in retrospect.) So, I unpacked the MySQL 
files with:
shell> gzip -d < /usr/local/mysql-3_22_30-sun-sunos4_1_4-sparc_tar.gz | tar xvf -
and created a link to the new directory:
shell> ln -s /usr/local/mysql-3_22_30-sun-sunos4_1_4-sparc mysql


4. The online documentation recommends the next step should be
shell> ./configure
but the file INSTALL-BINARY in the distribution doesn't mention this and, looking 
inside the script 'configure', 
all it seems to do is run mysql_install_db, so I skipped this step.

4. Then I tried to set up the 'grant tables'
shell> cd mysql
shell> ./scripts/mysql_install_db
This successfully sets some local variables as reported on the screen:
  Creating db table
  Creating host table
  Creating user table
  Creating func table
  Creating tables_priv table
  Creating columns_priv table
And then nothing at all happens. It just freezes and stays frozen. At this point 
(judging from what is inside the 
script, mysqld has been started up and the table creation commands issued, but there 
has been no response. 
It's not clear whether it is still expecting input. I typed in various SQL commands as 
well as the end-of-input 
code, but got no response. Finally, I hit <CTRL-Z> and he process closed with 'Stopped 

4a. The standard failure message, 'Installation of grant tables failed!' was *not* 
produced. I believe this 
indicates that mysqld did not terminate.

4b. The (undisplayed) error message inside mysql_instal_db also suggested the 
following command to start the 
MySQL daemon:
   ./bin/mysqld --skip-grant &
This did not succeed, as the parameter has to be --skip-grant-tables:
   ./bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables &
which seemed to work. But I still could not get any response from mysql.

4c. I read the relevant section of the online documentation (2.4.1 Problems Running 
mysql_install_db) but it 
had nothing to say about this situation.

4d. I therefore started looking through the archive of the newsgroup. I searched 
initially for 'mysql_install_db'. 
This yielded almost 2000 reports: the ones I looked at were all reporting problems 
identical or similar to mine, 
but without any solutions. I therefore restricted the search to 'mysql_install_db and 
SunOS', which reduced the 
set of messages to 53. These, too, were mostly reporting the same problem: 
mysql_install_db freezing up 
without any diagnostic messages.

4e. Looking at the script, it seems that, since the line does not end in '&', the 
daemon is executing in the 
foreground, so inevitably it will stay running forever (or until killed), and the code 
that follows this line (to report 
success or failure) will never be execute. To test this hypothesis, I tried the 
following: while the command 
window was frozen trying to run mysql_install_db, I killed the mysqld from another 
window. Immediately, the 
script stepped forward to the diagnostic message 'Installation of grant tables 
failed!'. My conclusion from this is 
that the script mysql_install_db has a bug in this respect (i.e. lacking '&'). To 
follow this up, I edited 
mysql_install_db, and appended '&' to the mysqld command line, and then tried again. 
This time, the script went 
through seemingly correctly.


5a. A suggestion in the documentation was to use the script 'mysqlaccess' to get some 
diagnostic information, 
but this failed to execute because it is a Perl script, and Perl does not seem to be 
installed on this Unix box.

5b. A suggestion from the help message for mysqld is to use
shell> ./bin/mysqladmin variables
but this command freezes with no diagnostic message.


6. While I was still working with the broken mysql_install_db, I tried again to run 
the daemon with:
   ./bin/mysqld --log --skip-grant-tables --basedir . & 
which failed with the message
   Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Address already in use
   Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306
The command 'ps -e' showed that another instance of mysqld was running. I deleted the 
other instance of 
mysqld, and tried again. This seemed to get the daemon running; but mysql was still 


7a. According to the documentation, a log should have been written to mysql/data/. In 
fact, this directory 
contained two sub-directories, 'mysql' and 'test', both of which were empty. (I later 
got some basic start and 
stop messages in mysql/data/wcm1s0m1.err by using the script safe_mysqld.) There was 
also a suggestion in 
the (undisplayed) error message inside the script that a log should be written to 
another place, '/var/db/mysql', 
but in fact the directory 'var' did not exist.

7b. Another suggestion was to start the MySQL daemon with  
shell> ./bin/safe_mysqld &
This flashed up an error message and then immediately closed the command window, 
making it impossible to 
read the message. I captured the message by redirection, and it said that it was 
unable to move to the directory 
/usr/local/mysql/var. I therefore manually created the directory var and tried the 
command again. This time it 
seemed to work, and displayed the message:
   Starting mysqld daemon with databases from
There was still no log file in the 'data' directory. But: inside the directory 'var' I 
found the file wcm1s0m1.log 
(wcm1s0m1 being the name of the workstation). This file contained
   ./bin/mysqld, Version: 3.22.30-log, started with:
   Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
   Time                Id Command    Argument
This at least indicates the daemon was alive; but mysql was still unresponsive.

7c. I also tried safe_mysql, which wrote a line to data/wcm1s0m1.err:
   mysqld started on Wed Jun 5 10:23:15 EDT 2002
but no other messages were written to the file when executing mysql.

8a. The online documentation says that log files will by default go to /usr/local/var, 
but that they can be resent 
to /usr/local/mysql/var by means of this command:
   /configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
Neither statement is true: the log file is going to usr/local/mysql/var anyway 
(provided that the directory has 
been manually created), and the script 'configure' does not handle any such change. 
(All it does is try to run 

8b. The online documentation also says that the log files can be sent to the correct 
/usr/local/mysql/data, using this command:
   /configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --localstatedir=/usr/local/mysql/data
Again, this does not work for the same reason.


9. I tried to access the MySQL command shell:
   ./bin/mysql -u root mysql
On early attempts, this simply froze: no prompt, no output, and the user can type 
anything without any response 
until <CTRL-Z>. I'm not sure, but I think that those attempts were made when I had, at 
first, installed MySQL in 
a place other than /usr/local/mysql. I then deleted the installed files, and 
re-installed in /usr/local/mysql. But I 
can't be sure that that was when I stopped getting a frozen mysql and started getting 
error 2003.

10a. On later attempts, I obtained
   Error 2003: can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'

10b. The displayed output from mysql_install_db says a password should be set with:
   ./bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new password'
This, however, yields the message:
   ./bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
   error: 'Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhist' (61)'
   Check that mysqld is running on localhost and that the port is 3306.
   You can check this by doing 'telnet localhost 3306'.
which is a rather more informative diagnostic than mysql yields.

10c. Checking through the installation instructions in the online documentation, I 
noticed the following 
shell> chown -R root  .
shell> chown -R mysql data
shell> chgrp -R mysql .
even though they were not listed in the distributed INSTALL-BINARY file. These failed 
in normal mode, but 
seemed to work in superuser. They did not, however, make any difference to the error 

11a. One of the suggestions in the newsgroup archives was that /etc/hosts should be 
fixed to contain  localhost.localdomain hostname
In fact, I checked my /etc/hosts file and it had  localhost is-to-oscar
which looks OK to me. Another suggestion was to use the '-h' or '--host=' parameter, 
so I tried variously:
   ./bin/mysql -h localhost -u root mysql
   ./bin/mysql -h is-to-oscar -u root mysql
   ./bin/mysql -h -u root mysql
all of which failed with Error 2003. I also tried:
   ./bin/mysqladmin -h localhost -u root password 'new password'
   ./bin/mysqladmin -h is-to-oscar -u root password 'new password'
   ./bin/mysqladmin -h -u root password 'new password'
all of which failed as before.

11b. I tried the telnet option:
    telnet localhost 3306
    telnet is-to-oscar 3306
    telnet 3306
which all failed with:
   telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
The only difference was that the third attempt yielded:
    Trying ....
before failing. I also pinged all three addresses (, localhost, is-to-oscar) 
and was told that they were 
all alive. 

11c. Following a suggestion in the newsgroup archive, I also tried 'resolveip'. (This 
is not a command, as 
suggested in the posting, but a script in mysql/bin.) This reported:
   ./bin/resolveip: Unable to find hostid for 'localhost'
I also tried it with 'is-to-oscar' and '', and got:
   ./bin/resolveip: Unable to find hostid for 'is-to-oscar'
   Host name of is localhost

11c. I did a search on the MySQL web site for 'can't connect', and one of the finds 
was: 4.2.11 (Causes of 
Access denied Errors). I think this probably refers to access denial *after* 
connection, rather than failure of 
connection; but anyway recommended this:
shell> mysql -u root test
The 'mysql' command is not recognised, so I used:
shell> ./bin/mysql -u root test
which gave the same response (2003: Can't connect ...)

11d. The same section also said that the following file must exist:
I found that the directory mysql/var/mysql did not exist, so I created and inserted an 
empty file user.MYD. I 
then re-tried accessing mysql, but got the same respone (2003: Can't connect)

11e. The search also revealed: A.2.3 (Can't connect to [local] MySQL server Error), 
which recommends trying 
the following:
shell> mysqladmin version
shell> mysqladmin variables
shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` version variables
shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` --port=3306 version
shell> mysqladmin -h 'ip for your host' version
shell> mysqladmin --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock version
All of these fail with the same 2003 error, except for '-h', which just 

12a. In A.2.3 (Can't connect to [local] MySQL server Error), there is a suggestion of 
using sockets by means of 
the parameter '--skip-networking' when starting up mysqld. In 4.1.1 (mysqld 
Command-line Options), we find 
for '--skip-networking': "This option is highly recommended for systems where only 
local requests are allowed" 
(i.e. instead of TCP/IP). I therefore inserted this in the command line in 
mysql_install_db. I retried mysql but it 
made no difference: I still got error 2003. 

12b. This section also states that the default socket file is /tmp/mysqld.sock, and 
not /tmp/mysql.sock as 
stated elsewhere. I therefore created a link:
shell> ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /tmp/mysqld.sock
I then retried mysql with both socket names but it made no difference:
shell> mysqladmin --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock version
shell> mysqladmin --socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock version
I still get error 2003. I also added an explicit parameter '--socket=/tmp/mysql.sock' 
in the script 
mysql_install_db. It still made no difference to error 2003. Also, more than one 
posting stated that mysqld 
creates the file /tmp/mysql.sock when it starts up. Well, I tried deleting the socket 
file and starting up mysqld, 
and I found that it did *not* create mysql.sock. It has to be created manually if it 
is to exist at all.

12c. I issued the command
shell> netstat -av
The output table did not mention mysql.sock or mysqld.sock, and therefore suggests 
that MySQL's socket is 
not active.

12d. A posting on the MySQL suggested that the problem could be caused by inadequate 
access permissions 
on the socket file. So I used chmod to full world access to /tmp and /tmp/mysql.sock. 
This made no difference.

12e. Another posting in mysql.list suggested that mysqld needs to create mysql.sock in 
That directory did not exist, so I created it and restarted mysqld. This made no 
difference. mysql.lock did not 
appear in that directory, and I still get error 2003. Several postings are adamant 
that mysqld creates the 
socket file, but this simply doesn't happen. Maybe that is a clue: do I need to tweak 
something else to get 
mysqld to create the socket file?

12f. I noticed that, even though I'm trying to use a socket connection, I keep getting 
this error:
   ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (61)
but other people posting on usenet get this error:
   ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '...path...'(111)
It looks as though mysql is still trying to use TCP/IP even though I want it to use a 
socket. From the mysql help 
listing, the only relevant parameter seems to be '--socket=path', so I tried this:
   ./bin/mysql --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock -u root test
But I still get error 2003. I also tried
   ./bin/mysql --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock --host='' -u root test
but to no avail: I still get error 2003 saying it can't connect to 'localhost'.

12g. One posting suggested that the executable may have been compiled with "pthreads 
instead of native 
threads", which would mean that it could not use Unix sockets. Instead, it would have 
to use TCP/IP. I don't 
know how my binary was compiled. (It's not documented on So, I tried to 
switch to using TCP/IP. I 
killed the server mysqld, edited the script mysql_install_db to replace
   '--skip-networking --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock'
I then retried mysql:
shell> ./bin/mysql -h -u root test
I still got the error 2003. There is another experiment that I ran to test this 
possibility, as follows. If I try to to 
run multiple instances of the server using TCP/IP, by issuing the command:
shell> ./bin/mysqld &
then on the 2nd and subsequent attempts I get the error message:
   Can't start server: Bind in TCP/IP port: Address already in use.
   Do you already have another mysqld server running on port 3306?
But, if I start up multiple instances of the server ostensibly with socket access:
shell> ./bin/mysqld --skip-networking &
then I don't get that error message. To be sure, that doesn't *prove* that this 
executable can use sockets, but 
it is circumstantial evidence that at least the server executable doesn't try to use 
TCP/IP when given the 
--skip-networking flag.

12h. In one of the help messages, it says that there are three files where 
socket-related things might be set 
(although, unfortunately, it did not say which took precedence, the files or the 
command-line arguments).
In fact, none of these files exist.


I am running out of things to try. At present, the only candidate explanation is that 
the mysql and mysqld 
executables were compiled using pthreads, and that the client mysql keeps on trying to 
reach the server 
through a TCP/IP connection even when told to use sockets. But that doesn't explain 
why the client still can't 
talk with the server when I specify to use TCP/IP. 

Given that this is supposed to be an easy installation, I'm a little disappointed in 
MySQL, and hope somebody 
out there has some constructive suggestions ...


Some suggested fixes:

a. The documentation should specify that tar fails with the misleading message that 
the tar file is corruprt; and 
it should advise people to use gtar instead.

b. The script mysql_install_db is incorrect, and should have '&' at the end of the 
mysqld command line.

c. Documentation (online and in-distribution) that refers to the parameter 
'--skip-grant' is incorrect, and should 
be changed to '--skip-grant-tables'.

d. The advice to use sockets rather than TCP/IP for connecting to a server on the 
local machine should surely 
be stated in the main part of the installation instructions, not tucked away in an 

e. Section A.2.3 (Can't connect to [local] MySQL server Error) refers to 2002 only, 
not 2003. If both messages 
are possible, it should discuss them both.

f. Documentation incorrectly states default location of error file, and use of the 
'configure' script to change it.

Peter Lloyd

--- mysqlbug form ---

From: Peter Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Error 2003: mysql and mysqld not talking to one another

Trying to run mysql always fails with error 2003: can't connect with server.
./bin/mysql -u root test

Not known.

>Submitter-Id:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Originator:    Peter Lloyd
>Organization:  Nortel Networks
>MySQL support: none
>Synopsis:      Trying to run mysql always fails with error 2003: can't connect with 
>Severity:      critical
>Priority:      high
>Category:      mysql
>Class:         support
>Release:       mysql-3.22.30 (TCX binary)

System: SunOS wcm1s0m1 5.6 Generic_105181-19 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
Architecture: sun4

Some paths:  /opt/bin/perl /usr/ccs/bin/make /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc

Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer'  CXX='gcc'  
-fomit-frame-pointer'  LDFLAGS=''
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql '--with-comment=TCX binary' 
Perl: This is perl, version 5.005_02 built for sun4-solaris

--- End of form ---

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