Beautiful. Thanks!

At 05:00 PM 7/7/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >The tables will be used to enable users to enter comments concerning what
> >they believe happens at individual conjunctions. For example, in astrology,
> >let's say one enters a comment of what happens when the Moon enters
> >Scorpio. These comments can then be called by other users and rated with an
> >accreditation system similar to Amazon's rating of books (and those who
> >rate them).
> >
> >The problem occurs with granulation. Let's say, instead, that our above
> >example is when the Moon enters Scorpio while the Sun is in the fifth
> >degree of Aries and Mars is in the twentieth degree of Gemini while the
> >natal chart reflects that this nativity has an ascendant at the seventh
> >degree of Cancer, etc. Indeed, it's actually far more involved than that,
> >because I'd like to cross-reference other metaphysical systems (Tzolkin, I
> >Ching, etc.) several of which have nativities as well as transient
> >elements. I can see tables literally in the thousands (or much higher) with
> >no way to avoid this proliferation. Any suggestions?
>Ok, here's one way I see to organize this:
>First, create a table with all the possible single events (e.g
>"moon enters Scorpio") (is varchar(100) enough for the description?)
>and an artificially created event ID (id int not null auto_increment
>primary key).
>Next, create a table for all the combinations (it is probably more
>appropriate here to create entries for combinations actually USED,
>not all possible combinations, as a table for all possible combinations
>may rapidly exceed the amount of disk storage ever manufactured).
>I am not sure what you'd need here beyond just a combination ID, but
>there might be some kind of composite rating of the event.
>Next, create a table to relate events to combinations (a many-to-many
>relationship).  This combination happens when this event, that
>event, and a third event happens.  This table has two columns,
>event ID and combination ID, and lists the events that make up a
>combination.  For example, if a combination C happens when three
>events, X, Y, and Z happen, then you'd have three rows:
>         Event ID        Combination ID
>         X               C
>         Y               C
>         Z               C
>The combination (event ID, combination ID) should be unique.
>Now, create a table for the people making comments.  This would
>include a commenter ID (primary key), some kind of text name for
>that person, and possibly a password they use to make comments
>under their name.  This might include an email address and billing
>Next, create a table for the comments.  This contains a combination ID
>for what they are commenting on, the commenter ID, and the comment made.
>Ok, that's 5 tables.  I can't see the number of tables growing even
>if astrology suddenly discovered 27 more planets and 5 new signs of
>the zodiac.  The contents of the tables would get bigger, but
>there wouldn't be more of them.
>I'm not that familiar with Amazon's rating system so I can't comment
>on what additional tables are needed for that.
>You'd need a SQL query with a multi-way join to get the description of
>the combination, the commenter name, and the comment made, but
>this shouldn't be hard or slow with appropriate indexes on the tables.
>                                         Gordon L. Burditt
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