Dear Dirs,
I think I' ve found a bug.
Please run the following query
        (I know you don' t have my db,
        try something similar)

CREATE TABLE order_cross
SELECT date_format(data_iniz_num,'%y') as anno,ord_tmp.soc,,
        ord_tmp.cod_agente, ord_tmp.linea,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 1 then qty else 0 END as jan,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 2 then qty else 0 END as feb,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 3 then qty else 0 END as mar,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 4 then qty else 0 END as apr,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 5 then qty else 0 END as may,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 6 then qty else 0 END as jun,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 7 then qty else 0 END as jul,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 8 then qty else 0 END as aug,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 9 then qty else 0 END as sep,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 10 then qty else 0 END as oct,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 11 then qty else 0 END as nov,
        CASE WHEN month(data_ordine) = 12 then qty else 0 END as 'dec'
        FROM ord_tmp;

ERROR GIVEN : ERROR 1105 at line xx : Unknown error

I get the same error with queries like this (create - select - case ).
With version 4.0.1 these queries used to work perfectly.
Workaround : create the query , then insert-select :)

KERNEL : 2.4

VERSION :MySQL-4.0.2-2.i386.rpm

back_log 50
basedir /
binlog_cache_size 32768
character_set latin1
character_sets latin1 big5 czech euc_kr gb2312 gbk latin1_de sjis tis620
ujis dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish hebrew
win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257
concurrent_insert OFF
connect_timeout 5
datadir /home/mysql/
delay_key_write OFF
delayed_insert_limit 100
delayed_insert_timeout 300
delayed_queue_size 1000
flush OFF
flush_time 0
ft_min_word_len 4
ft_max_word_len 254
ft_max_word_len_for_sort 20
ft_boolean_syntax + -><()~*:""&|
have_bdb NO
have_innodb NO
have_isam YES
have_raid NO
have_symlink YES
have_openssl NO
have_query_cache YES
interactive_timeout 28800
join_buffer_size 131072
key_buffer_size 16773120
language /usr/share/mysql/english/
large_files_support ON
locked_in_memory OFF
log OFF
log_update OFF
log_bin OFF
log_slave_updates OFF
log_slow_queries ON
long_query_time 10
low_priority_updates OFF
lower_case_table_names 0
max_allowed_packet 1047552
max_binlog_cache_size 4294967295
max_binlog_size 1073741824
max_connections 100
max_connect_errors 10
max_delayed_threads 20
max_heap_table_size 16777216
max_join_size 4294967295
max_sort_length 1024
max_user_connections 0
max_tmp_tables 32
max_write_lock_count 4294967295
myisam_bulk_insert_tree_size 8388608
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size 256
myisam_max_sort_file_size 2047
myisam_recover_options OFF
myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608
net_buffer_length 7168
net_read_timeout 30
net_retry_count 10
net_write_timeout 60
open_files_limit 0
pid_file /var/lib/mysql/
port 3306
protocol_version 10
record_buffer 131072
record_rnd_buffer 131072
rpl_recovery_rank 0
query_buffer_size 0
query_cache_limit 1048576
query_cache_size 0
query_cache_startup_type 1
safe_show_database OFF
server_id 1
slave_net_timeout 3600
skip_locking ON
skip_networking OFF
skip_show_database OFF
slow_launch_time 2
socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
sort_buffer 524280
sql_mode 0
table_cache 64
table_type MYISAM
thread_cache_size 0
thread_stack 65536
transaction_isolation READ-COMMITTED
timezone EDT
tmp_table_size 33554432
tmpdir /home/mysql/tmp/
version 4.0.2-alpha-log
wait_timeout 28800

Note : You did a great job with multi-table delete !!! THX for existing!

Best Regards
Andrea Forghieri
Project Manager
Emmegi S.p.A.

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