I wanted to test the mysql++ example "Loading binary file in a BLOB ..."
because I'm looking for for a solution to load several MB up to a remote DB,
without FTP or things like that. Just 1 thread in DB, so performance should
be no problem.

Therefor I try to execute and benchmark this quite famous Code from the
online-manual, but I've got some Problems (P) and Questions (Q).
I'm using Visual C++ 6 on an Windows98 , 526MHz and 320MB Ram.

I can compile in debug and release-Version. No errors, just warnings like, I
try to translate:
\include\type_info1.hh(39) : warning C4800: 'int' : Variable wird auf
booleschen Wert ('True' oder 'False') gesetzt

Integer set to boolean value true or false
\include\convert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : Inkonsistente
DLL-Bindung. dllexport angenommen.

assumed inconsistent dll-binding for dllexport
\include\sql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: this' : wird in
Initialisierungslisten fuer Basisklasse verwendet

"->this" is used in init-lists for derived classses
\load_file.cpp(5) : warning C4273: '_errno' : Inkonsistente DLL-Bindung.
dllexport angenommen.

assumed inconsistent dll-binding

Q1: Can I do something against this warnings?
Q2:  or are they taking any affect?

Then something curious: I can execute the code in Release-Mode and it runs
with no runtime error ( but the result is wrong , see below).

P1: When I run in in debug-Mode, I get an SQL-Syntax-Error 1064

Q3: Where can I find error-codes in the online-manual?

Q4: I'm not shure if std::string fill(read_buffer,blen);    I included

P2:Unfortunally, the result ist not ok, since the "escape" manipulator"
doesn't seem to do anything at all.

P3: I tried to fix the code for my VisualC++ compiler by inserting
        #include <string> <iostream> , using namespace std;  or adding std::
        for debug-mode.
     Then I get (often, not always) an Exception in line:
          std::string tmp_str = strbuf.str();
        release binary seems to be unchanged ...

This is a sample output of 2 runnings. file "aaa" contains now data to
escape, but abs does. both are ascii files.

// --------- OUTPUT
release: loading ... abc
"load data file:" 0s
kBytes/second: 1.#INF
// the "cout" of the whole query
INSERT INTO blobs (blob_data) VALUES("abc / 1 ' 2 "  3\
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '3\
")' at line 1 1064

release: loading ... aaa
"load data file:" 0s
kBytes/second: 1.#INF

INSERT INTO blobs (blob_data) VALUES("aaa bbb !§$%&() 123 >< x-_
"INSERT in MySQL:" 0s
kBytes/second: 1.#INF
// ---------------------------- END OF OUTPUT

P3) Uploaded Binary files cause no SQL-error, but are cut at the first '\0'.
therefore only some bytes are stored in BLOB (messured via phpmyadmin,
SELECT length(blob_data) ...

Has anybody compiled and tried out the original example?

now a last, my lightly changed code:

#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sqlplus.hh>
extern int errno;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Für Zeittests


#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

const char  MY_HOST[]="localhost";
const char  MY_USER[]="franz";
const char  MY_PASSWORD[]="fff123";

const char  MY_DATABASE[]="blobtest";
const char  MY_TABLE[]="blobs";
const char  MY_FIELD[]="blob_data"; // BLOB field

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

#ifdef _DEBUG // compiled for "debugging"
  std::string datei = "aaa";
  cout << "debug: loading ... " << datei<< endl;
  // argc=2;

#ifndef _DEBUG  // compiled for "release"
   std::string datei = argv[1];
 if (argc < 2) {
  cerr << "Usage : load_file full_file_path" << endl << endl;
  return -1;
 cout << "release: loading ... " << datei<< endl;

  Connection con(use_exceptions);
 try {
  Query query = con.query();
  std::ostrstream strbuf;
  std::ifstream In (datei.c_str(),ios::in | ios::binary);
  struct stat for_len;
  if ((In.rdbuf())->is_open()) {
   if (stat (datei.c_str(),&for_len) == -1) return -1;
   unsigned int blen = for_len.st_size;  if (!blen) return -1;

 // Performance Test
 clock_t Start, End;
 double Elapsed;
 Start = clock();

 char  *read_buffer = new char[blen];
 std::string fill(read_buffer,blen);

 End = clock();
 Elapsed = static_cast<double> ( End - Start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
 cout << "\"load data file:\" " << Elapsed << "s" << endl;
 cout << "Length:"<< blen << endl;
 cout << "Bytes/second: " << blen / Elapsed << endl;

 // 2nd Performance Test
 Start = clock();
   strbuf  << "INSERT INTO " << MY_TABLE << " (" << MY_FIELD << ")
VALUES(\""  << escape << fill  << "\")";
   std::string tmp_str = strbuf.str();  // to have variable in debugger
   int l = tmp_str.length();
   cout << endl << "Length SQL-query: " << l;
   cout << endl << "Query:" << tmp_str << endl;

 End = clock();
 Elapsed = static_cast<double> ( End - Start ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
 cout << "\"INSERT in MySQL:\" " << Elapsed << "s" << endl;
 cout << "Length:"<< blen << endl;
 cout << "Bytes/second: " << blen / Elapsed << endl;

   delete[] read_buffer;
   cerr << "Your binary file " << datei.c_str() << "could not be open, errno
= " << errno;
  return 0;
  } catch (BadQuery er)

    cerr << "Error: " << er.error << " " << con.errnum() << endl;
    return -1;
 cout << "ende";



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