Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 12:23:29 AM, you wrote:

SP> One of our MySQL db's containing BDB tables is exhibiting a strange
SP> behavior.
SP> A query consisting of an ORDER BY clause is returning wrong result set.
SP> The
SP> same query when used without an ORDER BY clause returns the correct
SP> result
SP> set.

SP> Environment: Sun Solaris 2.7, MySQL 3.23.51, Table Type = BerkleyDB

SP> Given below is the query for which we are seeing this issue:
SP>    select orders.order_uid, orders.status,
SP>    (to_days(now()) - to_days(orders.verification_date)) as age
SP>    from orders
SP>    where orders.status = 'verified'
SP>    order by orders.verification_date;
SP>   The above query returns:
SP>       +-----------+--------+------+
SP>       | order_uid | status | age  |
SP>       +-----------+--------+------+
SP>       |       130 | new    | NULL |
SP>       |       130 | new    | NULL |
SP>       |       130 | new    | NULL |
SP>       |       130 | new    | NULL |
SP>       |       130 | new    | NULL |
SP>       +-----------+--------+------+
SP>   What SHOULD have been returned is:
SP>       +-----------+----------+------+
SP>       | order_uid | status   | age  |
SP>       +-----------+----------+------+
SP>       |        57 | verified |    4 |
SP>       |        76 | verified |    4 |
SP>       |        79 | verified |    4 |
SP>       |       233 | verified |    3 |
SP>       |       234 | verified |    0 |
SP>       +-----------+----------+------+

SP> Currently i get around this issue by analyzing the BDB tables, but this
SP> seems to be a temporary solution. The issue is intermittent, keeps
SP> surfacing
SP> again after a certain no of days. Did not find any related bugs with the 
SP> MySQL version we use (3.23.51). From what i can understand so far, the
SP> index
SP> statistics related to the BDB tables are not getting updated. 

SP> What can be done to correct this issue ? 
SP> Are there any other alternative's to this issue ?
SP> Would converting the BerkleyDB (BDB) tables to InnoDB tables solve the
SP> issue ? 

I tested your query on the test BDB table and it worked well, here is
ther result that I got:
| order_uid | status   | age  |
|         5 | verified |  501 |
|         4 | verified |  267 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Could you provide a repeatable test case?

BTW if you send bug report, send output of SHOW CREATE TABLE or output
of mysqldump, not the output of DESC table_name.

I tested it on 3.23.52.

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