i am a trainee at westlb-systems in duesseldorf, germany and it's my task
to evaluate different dbms' like Postgre SQL, MySQL, MS Access ´97 ;), SAP
DB and Oracle
well i searched the web and various documentations but i'm not really sure
if all of this is still correct or if i may have misunderstood some things
so i'd like to ask you if you could help me...
i think it will only take 5 or 10 minutes for you guys to send me some
_brief_ information about the following aspects concerning MySQL:

- SQL Standards
- Support: ODBC, JDBC, API's?
- Portation (is it possible to transport data and how and to which other
- Administration Tools
- Native Tools
- Licences/Prices
- Support
- System's Requirements / Required Ressources
- Operation Systems (Unix/Linux, Windows,...)
- Documentation
- Limits / Restrictions
- Performance (pretty hard to find something about that...)
- Connection to other DB-Systems (Import/Export)
- Cluster - Ability ?
- Languages
- Backup Possibilities
- Internet - Ability ?

well i'd be really glad if someone could help me with this exhausting
task... within the next 2 or 3 days would be awesome...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Robert Goetz
WestLB Systems

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