
i have a problem with the mysql database. mysql seems not able
to created ne threads sometimes. the system is running several deamons,
like a webserver and a ftpserver. RAM was short so i added more. now there
are 2 GB RAM available. first, here is the error message:

Can't create a new thread (errno 11). If you are not out of available
memory, you
can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug

here is my system configuration:

debian 3.0
kernel 2.4.19 (high memory enabled)
mysql 3.23.52 (compiled from source)

here is what mysql looks like in the ps-tree (top 3):

root     27041  0.0  0.0  2056  976 pts/5    S<   17:43   0:00 /bin/sh
/usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld --core --err-log=/var/log/mysql/mysql.err -
-datadir=/www/mysql/data --pid-file=/www/mysql/data/www4.pid
mysql    27073  0.0  0.3 401804 7268 pts/5   S<   17:43   0:00  \_
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.52-src/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql-3.23.
52-src --datadir=/www/mysql/data --user=mysql --pid-file=/www/mysql/data/www
4.pid --skip-locking --core
mysql    27075  0.0  0.3 401804 7268 pts/5   S<   17:43   0:00      \_
/usr/local/mysql-3.23.52-src/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql-3.23.
52-src --datadir=/www/mysql/data --user=mysql --pid-file=/www/mysql/data/www
4.pid --skip-locking --core

here is the output of `cat /proc/meminfo`:

MemTotal:      2069560 kB
MemFree:         19072 kB
MemShared:           0 kB
Buffers:         74828 kB
Cached:        1334320 kB
SwapCached:       1900 kB
Active:         756716 kB
Inactive:       850452 kB
HighTotal:     1179584 kB
HighFree:         3220 kB
LowTotal:       889976 kB
LowFree:         15852 kB
SwapTotal:      384476 kB
SwapFree:       379276 kB

i see that the cached-value is high, but i think this is to be considered as
"free if needed". i am not sure at this, could
someone correct me please if i am worng here.

here is my /etc/my.conf (parts):

port            = 3306
socket          = /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
set-variable    = max_connections=400

set-variable    = open_files_limit=8129
set-variable    = key_buffer=384M
set-variable    = max_allowed_packet=5M
set-variable    = table_cache=512
set-variable    = sort_buffer=2M
set-variable    = record_buffer=2M
set-variable    = thread_cache=8
set-variable    = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
server-id       = 1

set-variable    = key_buffer=256M
set-variable    = sort_buffer=256M
set-variable    = read_buffer=2M
set-variable    = write_buffer=2M

set-variable    = key_buffer=256M
set-variable    = sort_buffer=256M
set-variable    = read_buffer=2M
set-variable    = write_buffer=2M

finally, here is the outout of 'sysctl -a | grep file-max':

fs/file-max = 65536

Do you need anything else ? Sorry if the mail got to long, but i dont
know what you need to help me...

Best Regards and thank you,


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