The problem was with the ending record/line break character.

I added:
        LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'

and the import worked wonderully! And only took a little over ten
minutes to process.

Thanks for the help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Abrahamsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Large Data Import

Well, I've done imports of about 50.000-100.000 posts from other
databases. I've gone another way then, and through perl/vi generated a
file of 
mysql commands
that I've then run. Maybe is a bit slower, but you get a complete log in

case some things dont
work out when you have logging turned on.

I would guess that most likely you have problems with quotation marks, 
special tokens or the like
that interferes.

anyway, one way of doing it would be something like this. (

cat file | perl -e 'while($x=<>){chomp $x; $x=~s/,/\",\"/g; print 
"insert into XX values(\""; print $x; print "\");\n" }' > file.sql cat
file.sql | mysql

as for limitations.. I've run databases that had 12million records in 
mysql, with no
problems, except selects with criterias from that database tended to 
become slow. :-)


Lorenzo Curtis wrote:

>MySQL Gurus:
>I am working on a process to import data from a VMS database (SJ2) to 
>MySQL. The table that I am importing has 10378507 (over 10 million) 
>records in it.  I have the records
>exported to a comma-delimited text file, as the fields within the
>database do not
>contain any commas at all.
>The command I am using to do the import is:
>    mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/warehouse/importfile.txt'
>           -> INTO TABLE importtable
>           -> FIELDS TERINATED BY ','
>           -> ENCLOSED BY '"';
>The process runs through (it takes about an hour into a non-indexed 
>MyISAM table). At the end I get the following message:
>    Query OK, 5184509 rows affected
>    Records: 5184509    Deleted: 0    Skipped: 0    Warnings 13376589
>I have logging turned on, but the log file only shows the MySQL 
>commands that I entered without showing me what all the warnings are.
>Now my questions:
>    How can I see what the errors are that are occuring that cause half

>of the records not to import?
>    Has anyone every done an import of over 10 million records before? 
>Is there a limitation in MySQL?
>Thank you in advance for you assistance with this issue.
>Lorenzo Curtis
>Dead River Company
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