
Thursday, November 28, 2002, 2:12:27 AM, you wrote:

JC>                 Here's the question, as succinctly as I can formulate it:

JC>                 The documentation seems to say that one can load a tab-delimited 
JC> file located in the current directory of the client host into a 
JC> database by running the client mysql and executing the following 
JC> command:

JC>                 mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "absence.txt" into table absence;

JC>         When "absence.txt" is located in 
JC> "/Users/jack/Desktop/SQL_stuff/samp_db/", then the command:

JC>                 mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 
JC> absence.txt" into table absence;

JC>         does work.

JC>         But the command:

JC>                 mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "absence.txt" into table absence;

JC>         does not work. Rather, it produces the error:

JC>                 ERROR:
JC>                 File 'absence.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)

JC>         That is, absolute pathnames work, but relative pathnames do not.

JC>         I have been careful to be sure that, when invoking the mysql client, I
JC> am in the correct directory, and that when I invoke mysql, that I 
JC> include the --local-infile option, as the following printout shows:

JC>                 [Jacks-G4:~/Desktop/SQL_stuff/samp_db] jack% mysql --local-infile 
JC> samp_db

JC>                 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
JC>                 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

JC>                 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
JC>                 Your MySQL connection id is 14 to server version:

JC>                 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

JC>                 mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "absence.txt" into table absence;
JC>                 ERROR:
JC>                 File 'absence.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)

JC>         I have concluded that one cannot use the relative pathname of a file 
JC> in the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command. I hope I am wrong, as it would 
JC> be nice to use the simpler, relative, pathname.

JC>         Am I wrong or right? If wrong, what am I missing?

If you don't use absolute pathname, your file must be located in the
client program/script directory (in your case mysql client program)

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