Martin, Larry,

> Synopsis:      Server crashes on remote connection

I'm not a Unix guru but I experienced the same sympton on SuSE Linux
8.0/8.1, and I heard of people reporting the same of Red Hat Linux

MySQL runs stable, you can connect from localhost via socket and tcp/ip,
but as soon as you try a connect from some other machine, mysqld

In all cases I heard of, the problem was some glibc version that caused
all the trouble. You say you use

> glibc-2.2.93-5

This version # looks a bit strange to me, well ... In a SuSE Linux
Newsgroup I heard that everything's okay if you use >= 2.2.5-151. We use
glibc-2.2.5-164 on SuSE Linux 8.1, and with our 3.23.54, we've had no
problems at all.

  Stefan Hinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Geschäftsführer / CEO iConnect GmbH <>
  Heesestr. 6, 12169 Berlin (Germany)
  Tel: +49 30 7970948-0  Fax: +49 30 7970948-3

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Abell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Larry Airaghi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:10 PM
Subject: Problem (server crashes) with Version 3.23.54 on

> MySQL support: none
> Synopsis:      Server crashes on remote connection
> Severity:      serious
> Priority:      high
> Category:      mysql
> Class:         Bug / Local Problem?
> Release:       mysql-3.23.54 (Source distribution)
> mysql-server-3.23.54a-4
> mysql-3.23.54a-4
> mysql-devel-3.23.54a-4
>  (used rpms from updates.redhatcom)
> RedHat 8.0, kernel 2.4.18-19.8.0 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> Architecture: i686
> Pentium 4, 1.9 Ghz
> 512 Mb memory
> glibc-2.2.93-5
> A second machine also has the same symptoms.  It is similar, except
the disk
> drive setup is completely different.
> In the log (below) any line beginning "Tcp port: 3306" is an attempt
> connect remotely (using a GUI client, or using command line mysql, or
> a perl program) that fails.  That's the only evidence of the attempt.
> (Maybe a different logging option would give more info?  We used
> --debug=d,general,query as suggested in manual.)  Queries from
localhost all
> seem to work.
> For example, with perl, Apache log (with specifics edited out) says:
> DBI->connect( failed: Lost
> connection to MySQL server during query at /path/ line 22.
> And... and other open connections (localhost) were lost at the same
time and
> had to reconnect on next query.
> Using mysql at command line gives basically the same complaint.
> ---->>>> The Uptime shows that mysqld has restarted mysql in each
> Connection attempts are as user martin.  User table is:
> +-----------+--------+------------------+-------------+
> | Host      | User   | Password         | All_priv    |
> +-----------+--------+------------------+-------------+
> | localhost | root   | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Y           |
> | localhost | martin | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Y           |
> | %         | martin | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Y           |
> +-----------+--------+------------------+-------------+
> (All users have all privileges and a password.) ipTables is disabled.
> I did a shutdown and ran ISAMCHK on MYI files as suggested in manual.
> Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Martin Abell
> SpeedSpan
> ============================= LOG ========================
> tail -50 sp31.log
> Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> Time                 Id Command    Argument
> 030122 22:51:47       1 Connect     root@localhost on
>                       1 Statistics
>                       1 Quit
> /usr/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.54-log, started with:
> Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> Time                 Id Command    Argument
> 030122 23:05:12       1 Connect     root@localhost on
>                       1 Query       SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pid_file'
>                       1 Shutdown
> /usr/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.54-log, started with:
> Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> Time                 Id Command    Argument
> 030122 23:22:54       1 Connect     Access denied for user:
> (Using password: YES)
> 030122 23:23:21       2 Connect     root@localhost on
> 030123  9:15:57       3 Connect     root@localhost on
> 030123  9:16:02       3 Init DB     mysql
>                       3 Query       show databases
>                       3 Query       show tables
>                       3 Field List  columns_priv
>                       3 Field List  db
>                       3 Field List  func
>                       3 Field List  host
>                       3 Field List  tables_priv
>                       3 Field List  user
> 030123  9:16:12       3 Query       select * from user
> 030123  9:17:23       4 Connect     root@localhost on
>                       4 Statistics
>                       4 Quit
> 030123  9:17:51       5 Connect     root@localhost on
>                       5 Statistics
>                       5 Quit
> /usr/libexec/mysqld, Version: 3.23.54-log, started with:
> Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> Time                 Id Command    Argument
> 030123  9:17:59       1 Connect     root@localhost on
>                       1 Statistics
>                       1 Quit
> 030123  9:18:46       2 Connect     root@localhost on mysql
>                       2 Query       show databases
>                       2 Query       show tables
>                       2 Field List  columns_priv
>                       2 Field List  db
>                       2 Field List  func
>                       2 Field List  host
>                       2 Field List  tables_priv
>                       2 Field List  user
>                       2 Query       show variables
> 030123  9:27:15       2 Query       show variables
> ============================= VARIABLES ========================
> mysql> show variables \G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
> Variable_name: back_log
>         Value: 50
> *************************** 2. row ***************************
> Variable_name: basedir
>         Value: /usr/
> *************************** 3. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_cache_size
>         Value: 8388600
> *************************** 4. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_log_buffer_size
>         Value: 32768
> *************************** 5. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_home
>         Value: /var/lib/mysql/
> *************************** 6. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_max_lock
>         Value: 10000
> *************************** 7. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_logdir
>         Value:
> *************************** 8. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_shared_data
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 9. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_tmpdir
>         Value: /tmp/
> *************************** 10. row ***************************
> Variable_name: bdb_version
>         Value: Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 3.2.9a: (December  5,
> *************************** 11. row ***************************
> Variable_name: binlog_cache_size
>         Value: 32768
> *************************** 12. row ***************************
> Variable_name: character_set
>         Value: latin1
> *************************** 13. row ***************************
> Variable_name: character_sets
>         Value: latin1 big5 cp1251 cp1257 croat czech danish dec8 dos
> euc_kr gb2312 gbk german1 greek hebrew hp8 hungarian koi8_ru koi8_ukr
> latin5 swe7 usa7 win1250 win1251 win1251ukr ujis sjis tis620
> *************************** 14. row ***************************
> Variable_name: concurrent_insert
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 15. row ***************************
> Variable_name: connect_timeout
>         Value: 5
> *************************** 16. row ***************************
> Variable_name: datadir
>         Value: /var/lib/mysql/
> *************************** 17. row ***************************
> Variable_name: delay_key_write
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 18. row ***************************
> Variable_name: delayed_insert_limit
>         Value: 100
> *************************** 19. row ***************************
> Variable_name: delayed_insert_timeout
>         Value: 300
> *************************** 20. row ***************************
> Variable_name: delayed_queue_size
>         Value: 1000
> *************************** 21. row ***************************
> Variable_name: flush
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 22. row ***************************
> Variable_name: flush_time
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 23. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_bdb
>         Value: YES
> *************************** 24. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_gemini
>         Value: NO
> *************************** 25. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_innodb
>         Value: DISABLED
> *************************** 26. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_isam
>         Value: YES
> *************************** 27. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_raid
>         Value: NO
> *************************** 28. row ***************************
> Variable_name: have_openssl
>         Value: NO
> *************************** 29. row ***************************
> Variable_name: init_file
>         Value:
> *************************** 30. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size
>         Value: 1048576
> *************************** 31. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_buffer_pool_size
>         Value: 8388608
> *************************** 32. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_data_file_path
>         Value:
> *************************** 33. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_data_home_dir
>         Value:
> *************************** 34. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_file_io_threads
>         Value: 4
> *************************** 35. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_force_recovery
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 36. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_thread_concurrency
>         Value: 8
> *************************** 37. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 38. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_fast_shutdown
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 39. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_flush_method
>         Value:
> *************************** 40. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_lock_wait_timeout
>         Value: 50
> *************************** 41. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_arch_dir
>         Value:
> *************************** 42. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_archive
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 43. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_buffer_size
>         Value: 1048576
> *************************** 44. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_file_size
>         Value: 5242880
> *************************** 45. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_files_in_group
>         Value: 2
> *************************** 46. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_log_group_home_dir
>         Value:
> *************************** 47. row ***************************
> Variable_name: innodb_mirrored_log_groups
>         Value: 1
> *************************** 48. row ***************************
> Variable_name: interactive_timeout
>         Value: 28800
> *************************** 49. row ***************************
> Variable_name: join_buffer_size
>         Value: 131072
> *************************** 50. row ***************************
> Variable_name: key_buffer_size
>         Value: 8388600
> *************************** 51. row ***************************
> Variable_name: language
>         Value: /usr/share/mysql/english/
> *************************** 52. row ***************************
> Variable_name: large_files_support
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 53. row ***************************
> Variable_name: locked_in_memory
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 54. row ***************************
> Variable_name: log
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 55. row ***************************
> Variable_name: log_update
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 56. row ***************************
> Variable_name: log_bin
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 57. row ***************************
> Variable_name: log_slave_updates
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 58. row ***************************
> Variable_name: log_long_queries
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 59. row ***************************
> Variable_name: long_query_time
>         Value: 10
> *************************** 60. row ***************************
> Variable_name: low_priority_updates
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 61. row ***************************
> Variable_name: lower_case_table_names
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 62. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_allowed_packet
>         Value: 1048576
> *************************** 63. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_binlog_cache_size
>         Value: 4294967295
> *************************** 64. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_binlog_size
>         Value: 1073741824
> *************************** 65. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_connections
>         Value: 100
> *************************** 66. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_connect_errors
>         Value: 10
> *************************** 67. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_delayed_threads
>         Value: 20
> *************************** 68. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_heap_table_size
>         Value: 16777216
> *************************** 69. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_join_size
>         Value: 4294967295
> *************************** 70. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_sort_length
>         Value: 1024
> *************************** 71. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_user_connections
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 72. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_tmp_tables
>         Value: 32
> *************************** 73. row ***************************
> Variable_name: max_write_lock_count
>         Value: 4294967295
> *************************** 74. row ***************************
> Variable_name: myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size
>         Value: 256
> *************************** 75. row ***************************
> Variable_name: myisam_max_sort_file_size
>         Value: 2047
> *************************** 76. row ***************************
> Variable_name: myisam_recover_options
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 77. row ***************************
> Variable_name: myisam_sort_buffer_size
>         Value: 8388608
> *************************** 78. row ***************************
> Variable_name: net_buffer_length
>         Value: 16384
> *************************** 79. row ***************************
> Variable_name: net_read_timeout
>         Value: 30
> *************************** 80. row ***************************
> Variable_name: net_retry_count
>         Value: 10
> *************************** 81. row ***************************
> Variable_name: net_write_timeout
>         Value: 60
> *************************** 82. row ***************************
> Variable_name: open_files_limit
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 83. row ***************************
> Variable_name: pid_file
>         Value: /var/run/mysqld/
> *************************** 84. row ***************************
> Variable_name: port
>         Value: 3306
> *************************** 85. row ***************************
> Variable_name: protocol_version
>         Value: 10
> *************************** 86. row ***************************
> Variable_name: record_buffer
>         Value: 131072
> *************************** 87. row ***************************
> Variable_name: record_rnd_buffer
>         Value: 131072
> *************************** 88. row ***************************
> Variable_name: query_buffer_size
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 89. row ***************************
> Variable_name: safe_show_database
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 90. row ***************************
> Variable_name: server_id
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 91. row ***************************
> Variable_name: slave_net_timeout
>         Value: 3600
> *************************** 92. row ***************************
> Variable_name: skip_locking
>         Value: ON
> *************************** 93. row ***************************
> Variable_name: skip_networking
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 94. row ***************************
> Variable_name: skip_show_database
>         Value: OFF
> *************************** 95. row ***************************
> Variable_name: slow_launch_time
>         Value: 2
> *************************** 96. row ***************************
> Variable_name: socket
>         Value: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> *************************** 97. row ***************************
> Variable_name: sort_buffer
>         Value: 2097144
> *************************** 98. row ***************************
> Variable_name: sql_mode
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 99. row ***************************
> Variable_name: table_cache
>         Value: 64
> *************************** 100. row ***************************
> Variable_name: table_type
>         Value: MYISAM
> *************************** 101. row ***************************
> Variable_name: thread_cache_size
>         Value: 0
> *************************** 102. row ***************************
> Variable_name: thread_stack
>         Value: 65536
> *************************** 103. row ***************************
> Variable_name: transaction_isolation
>         Value: READ-COMMITTED
> *************************** 104. row ***************************
> Variable_name: timezone
>         Value: EST
> *************************** 105. row ***************************
> Variable_name: tmp_table_size
>         Value: 33554432
> *************************** 106. row ***************************
> Variable_name: tmpdir
>         Value: /tmp/
> *************************** 107. row ***************************
> Variable_name: version
>         Value: 3.23.54-log
> *************************** 108. row ***************************
> Variable_name: wait_timeout
>         Value: 28800
> Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc
> /usr/bin/cc
> GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/specs
> Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man
> --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix
> --disable-checking --host=i386-redhat-linux --with-system-zlib
> --enable-__cxa_atexit
> Thread model: posix
> gcc version 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)
> Compilation info: CC='gcc'
 CFLAGS='-O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE
> -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
> -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'  LDFLAGS=''
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           14 Jan  1 15:49
/lib/ ->
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      1235468 Sep  5 19:12
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      2233342 Sep  5 18:59
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          178 Sep  5 18:50
> Configure command: ./configure '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr'
> '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--datadir=/usr/share' '--libdir=/usr/lib'
> '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info'
> '--without-debug' '--enable-shared' '--with-extra-charsets=complex'
> '--with-bench' '--localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql'
> '--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
> '--with-mysqld-user=mysql' '--with-extra-charsets=all' '--with-innodb'
> '--enable-local-infile' '--enable-large-files=yes'
> '--with-berkeley-db' '--with-thread-safe-client'
'CFLAGS=-O2 -march=i386
'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=i686 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=6
> -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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