
I need to make a select which is the combined result of 2 selects.
I assume I could do this in v4 using UNION or in v3 by running 2 "select
into" statements, however I'd prefer to do it in v3.23 and if possible
with just one select and just read permissions.

The table is like this :

mysql> desc process;
| Field          | Type                  | Null | Key | Default
| Extra |
| timecode       | datetime              |      |     | 0000-00-00
|       |
| systemid       | smallint(5) unsigned  |      | MUL | 0
|       |
| username       | varchar(20)           |      |     |
|       |
| cpuusage       | float(4,2)            | YES  |     | NULL
|       |

It's a table containing unix users and their cpu usage. The table
contain more info about processnames memory usage per process etc. etc..
I first make a select to find the 2 users with the most CPU usage :

SELECT username, sum(cpuusage) AS sum_cpuusage FROM process WHERE
systemid =
'2' AND timecode > now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY GROUP BY username ORDER BY
sum_cpuusage DESC LIMIT 2

I then use the result from this select to make a new select with the
format timecode, user1, user2, user3 etc... where user1, user2 etc. is
the sum() of these users cpu usage at any given timecode. I use sum
because every user can have more than one process active at any given
time, and I store all active (cpu using) processes in the database.

What I want is the combined output of selects like these (example with 2
users) :

SELECT timecode,
sum(cpuusage) AS jfn
FROM process
WHERE systemid = '2'
AND username = 'jfn'
AND timecode > now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY
GROUP BY timecode
ORDER BY timecode

SELECT timecode,
sum(cpuusage) AS root
FROM process
WHERE systemid = '2'
AND username = 'root'
AND timecode > now() - INTERVAL 1 DAY
GROUP BY timecode
ORDER BY timecode

With combined I mean that I want it in the form "timecode, jfn, root".

How do I rewrite this into one select, and can it be done without having
to use features only present in v4, or features that require write
access to the database ???

For people who want to test/try the real database, there's a read only
web interface at http://statdb.dassic.com/sql.php
The 2 queries from the example that I want to combine into one produce
useful data, so the question is just to merge them into one, since the
goal is to later, using another interface, ask a PHP script to draw a
graph with a top 5 of CPU usage among users. To do this I need a output
like this :
timecode, user1, user2, user3 etc.


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