
I've tried without success to set a timeout for SQL queries on a MySQL
server (version 4.0.12 - so far the latest production release) running
on a Windows XP SP1 box. The calling program is a Web site developed in
ASP (going through ADO to access MyODBC...).

I tried many different methods but there is no way I can STOP a SQL
query that takes too long to execute (like... more than 5 minutes) and
RAISE AN ERROR to the calling application (in that case an ASP page).

METHOD 1: ADODB.Connection.CommandTimeout

  var strConnectionString = "DSN=MyDSN";
  var strSQLRequest = "SELECT * FROM MyHugeTable";

  // Create connection object
  var objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");

  // Set CommandTimeout to 30 seconds (on the Connection object)
  objConnection.CommandTimeout = 30;

  // Open the connection

  // Create recordset object
  var objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset");

  // Execute SQL request
  objRecordset.Open(strSQLRequest, objConnection); 
  // The above line is very long to execute and NEVER TIMES OUT!!!

  // Just check if it's open and not empty
  Response.Write("objRecordset.EOF = "+objRecordset.EOF+"<br>"); %>

METHOD 2: ADODB.Command.CommandTimeout

  var strConnectionString = "DSN=MyDSN";
  var strSQLRequest = "SELECT * FROM MyHugeTable";

  // Create connection object
  var objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");

  // Open the connection

  var objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command");
  objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection;
  objCommand.CommandText = strSQLRequest;
  // Set CommandTimeout to 30 seconds (this time on the Command
  objCommand.CommandTimeout = 30; 

  // Execute SQL request
  objRecordset = objCommand.Execute();
  // The above line is very long to execute and NEVER TIMES OUT!!!

  // Just check if it's open and not empty
  Response.Write("objRecordset.EOF = "+objRecordset.EOF+"<br>"); %>

METHOD 3: ADODB.Connection.Properties("General Timeout") 

  var strConnectionString = "DSN=MyDSN";
  var strSQLRequest = "SELECT * FROM MyHugeTable";

  // Create connection object
  var objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");

  // Set General Timeout to 30 (seconds?)
  objConnection.Properties("General Timeout").Value = 30;

  // Open the connection

  // Create recordset object
  var objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset");

  // Execute SQL request
  objRecordset.Open(strSQLRequest, objConnection);
  // The above line is very long to execute and NEVER TIMES OUT!!!

  // Just check if it's open and not empty
  Response.Write("objRecordset.EOF = "+objRecordset.EOF+"<br>"); 

Nothing works... 

Has anybody ever tried this? 
Am I the only one with this problem? 
Is there any known solution to that problem?

Note: I tried this on a Windows XP SP1 box as well as on a Windows 2000
Server SP3, with MySQL 4.0.12 and MyODBC 3.51.05 (all production
releases), and MDAC 2.7

Web Consultant
Replay Software Development Company
Phone: +33 (0)6 60 41 68 83

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