At 10:35 -0600 3/28/03, Dusty Hall wrote:
Hey gang, not to sure if I should be posting to this list or not but I'm
having terrible performance problems with MySQL on a high end system.  I
believe I've done enough reading through the Doc's to post to this
The system is a Dual 1Ghz with 2GB of Ram running Redhat 8.0, MySQL
3.23, PHP 4.22, Latest version of ACID and I'm using the latest DB
Layout from Snort (1.9.1).  I'm using a somewhat modified my-huge.cnf,
modified from what I've read on  I'm using the switch to log
slow queries and can attach that if someone would like to look at it.
Below is my current config dump from phpmyadmin.  Oh yeah, the size of
my DB is around 2GB, around 1.4 million rows..  If anyone needs more
information just let me know.

It appears that you're forgotten to include your question.

It would probably also help if you characterized what you mean by
"terrible performance problems" and what kind of improvements you'd
like to see.


-Dusty Hall
Auburn University

Variable   Value 
back log  50 
basedir  /usr/ 
bdb cache size  8388600 
bdb log buffer size  262144 
bdb home  /var/lib/mysql/ 
bdb max lock  10000 
bdb logdir  
bdb shared data  OFF 
bdb tmpdir  /tmp/ 
bdb version  Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 3.2.9a: (August 14, 2002)

binlog cache size  32768 
character set  latin1 
character sets  latin1 big5 cp1251 cp1257 croat czech danish dec8 dos
estonia euc_kr gb2312 gbk german1 greek hebrew hp8 hungarian koi8_ru
koi8_ukr latin2 latin5 swe7 usa7 win1250 win1251 win1251ukr ujis sjis
concurrent insert  ON 
connect timeout  5 
datadir  /var/lib/mysql/ 
delay key write  ON 
delayed insert limit  100 
delayed insert timeout  300 
delayed queue size  1000 
flush  OFF 
flush time  0 
have bdb  YES 
have gemini  NO 
have innodb  DISABLED 
have isam  YES 
have raid  NO 
have openssl  NO 
init file  
innodb additional mem pool size  1048576 
innodb buffer pool size  8388608 
innodb data file path  
innodb data home dir  
innodb file io threads  4 
innodb force recovery  0 
innodb thread concurrency  8 
innodb flush log at trx commit  16777216 
innodb fast shutdown  ON 
innodb flush method  
innodb lock wait timeout  50 
innodb log arch dir  
innodb log archive  OFF 
innodb log buffer size  1048576 
innodb log file size  5242880 
innodb log files in group  2 
innodb log group home dir  
innodb mirrored log groups  1 
interactive timeout  28800 
join buffer size  4190208 
key buffer size  268431360 
language  /usr/share/mysql/english/ 
large files support  ON 
locked in memory  OFF 
log  OFF 
log update  OFF 
log bin  ON 
log slave updates  OFF 
log long queries  ON 
long query time  10 
low priority updates  OFF 
lower case table names  0 
max allowed packet  1047552 
max binlog cache size  4294967295 
max binlog size  1073741824 
max connections  100 
max connect errors  10 
max delayed threads  20 
max heap table size  16777216 
max join size  4294967295 
max sort length  1024 
max user connections  0 
max tmp tables  32 
max write lock count  4294967295 
myisam max extra sort file size  256 
myisam max sort file size  2047 
myisam recover options  0 
myisam sort buffer size  67108864 
net buffer length  16384 
net read timeout  30 
net retry count  10 
net write timeout  60 
open files limit  0 
pid file  /var/lib/mysql/ 
port  3306 
protocol version  10 
record buffer  2093056 
record rnd buffer  2093056 
query buffer size  0 
safe show database  OFF 
server id  1 
slave net timeout  3600 
skip locking  ON 
skip networking  OFF 
skip show database  OFF 
slow launch time  2 
socket  /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock 
sort buffer  4194296 
sql mode  0 
table cache  512 
table type  MYISAM 
thread cache size  8 
thread stack  65536 
transaction isolation  READ-COMMITTED 
timezone  CST 
tmp table size  33554432 
tmpdir  /tmp/ 
version  3.23.52-log
wait timeout  28800

Paul DuBois
sql, query

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