I hope someone can help me with a syntax error I'm getting with a nested
query.  I'm a newbie.

Here is the statement:

FROM tblmarkets
     (SELECT MarketID
     FROM tblmarketproducts, tblproducts
     WHERE tblmarketproducts.ProductID = tblproducts.ProductID AND
ProductName = 'Apples')
ORDER BY MarketName

and I'm getting the following error message:

"You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT MarketID
     FROM tblmarketproducts, tblproducts
     WHERE tblmarke' at line 4"

I have 3 tables - tblmarkets, tblmarketproducts, and tblproducts.  I am
trying to return the columns in tblmarkets based on the value of 'Apples'
(test value for a form variable).  MarketID is the primary key in tblmarkets
which is related to MarketID in tblmarketproducts. The second column in
tblmarketproducts is ProductID which is related to ProductID in tblproducts.
The other column in tblproducts is ProductName which is the initial form
variable the query is based upon ('Apples' is the test variable for the

I have also tried a nested INNER JOIN statement:

SELECT tblMarkets.*, tblMarketProducts.*, tblProducts.ProductName
FROM tblProducts INNER JOIN (tblMarkets INNER JOIN tblMarketProducts ON
tblMarkets.MarketID = tblMarketProducts.MarketID) ON tblProducts.ProductID =
WHERE tblMarkets.ProductID = varProductID and MarketName LIKE 'varName%' AND
City Like 'varCity%' AND State LIKE 'varState%' AND County LIKE 'varCounty%'
AND Zip LIKE 'varZip%' AND Approved = '1'
ORDER BY MarketName

and get a syntax error in line 2.

I am at a loss and would ve grateful for any help.

Eric Leupold

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