On Saturday, March 29, 2003, at 07:41 AM, Trevor Smith wrote:

2. your syntax just seems wrong. This should be:

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE NeedleColumn LIKE '%needle%';

to search for the string 'needle' anywhere in NeedleColumn, if that's
what you were looking for.

I'm jumping in mid-stream so excuse me if I'm confused.

The syntax was correct for the task.

Lets say for example, that you have a database of bad words:

INSERT INTO BadWords (Word) VALUES ('Fudge');
INSERT INTO BadWords (Word) VALUES ('Dang');
INSERT INTO BadWords (Word) VALUES ('Darn');

You want to validate an arbitrary string against the database to find out if it contains any bad words.

example string that contains a bad word: 'Darn Database"

To find which bad words were used in the phrase you are checking, You would issue a query like this:

SELECT * FROM BadWords WHERE 'Darn Database' LIKE CONCAT('%', Word, '%')

which returns


When I just tried this small example, it worked perfectly which really surprised me. I spent about 2 hours testing this every which way before my previous post, too.

Looking into it more, I found that the reason that it didn't work before was that I was using PHPMyAdmin under IE for the mac. I browsed a table to get a key value to test with and copied the value I wanted to search for from the browser and pasted it into my test query.

The string in my test that I thought I was using was:

"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.02; Windows 98)"

When I pasted this string into my text editor and told it to add escape codes for hidden characters, I got this:


It seems that PHPMyAdmin converts spaces in the query results into   entities for html display. On the Mac with IE, when you copy a string that contains   from the browser, it seems to get converted into the character \0xCA instead of the normal space character.

Everything works fine if I search for the correct string containing normal spaces.

I feel stupid for not double checking my queries outside of PHPMyAdmin before posting my last message.

Does this help you, Jakob?

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