Situation: I have an app created in Forte. Its does some DB IO and dumps
the results to a web page. Works great in the IDE. I export it to .war
file and put it in my tomcat install. Now I get the following errormsg
when I try to run it:

java.sql.SQLException: Can not issue data manipulation statements with
      at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeQuery(

The statement thats failing is indeed trying to change the DB. I can
read just fine but not write/delete.

I can access the db just fine via the mysql console and add/edit/delete
without problems. I also tried from another machine using:
mysql -u<dbuser> -p<dbpw> --host=<mysql machine>(where the problem is
note: Tomcat and MySql are running on the same machine. 
The java commands in question are all using PreparedStatement().

Thoughts? Comments? Reactions?

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