hello all,

I'm wondering if its somehow possible to create a pk/fk constraint for
the table below

create table Example (
        id int not null auto_increment primary key,
        table_name enum('TabA','TabB') not null,
        table_id int not null
) type = InnoDB;

if table_name is 'TabA', then I want to make sure the row exists in
TabA. Likewise if table_name is 'TabB'

the usual syntax to add a foreign key constraint doesn't seem to allow
this. I could certainly perform this check with an insert trigger, but,
alas, mysql does not support triggers.

any help?

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.                      505-955-1434
The Prediction Company                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6        http://www.predict.com
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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