
Thanks to the great help on this list (including Juan), I was able to get postfix 
working with mysql.  Now, of course, I need to be able to read the mail being 
forwarded. :)  Due to restrictions beyond my control, it needs to be a pop3 server - I 
would prefer IMAP, but pop3 it is.  And the mail needs to be in mbox format, not 
Maildir, so that leaves out Courier-IMAP (which is a heavy package anyway when all I 
need is pop3).  Vpopmail shows some promise, but it seems very rigid in how it needs 
the mysql database defined, and the database is already built - is it possible to set 
up vpopmail to use a generic database and fields?  Or is there another pop3 package 
for Redhat that would be better suited?  All I need is a pop3 server, not a full suite 
of protocols.

Thanks again for all the help...:)

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