
We have recently upgraded our phpBB forum based software to a vbulletin
based one. Since then we get lots of :

vBulletin (forum) Database error!

mail messages from vbulletin.

In the body of the message it says something like:

Invalid SQL: SELECT template FROM template WHERE
title='error_nopermission_loggedout' AND (templatesetid=-1 OR
templatesetid=1) ORDER BY templatesetid DESC LIMIT 1
mysql error: select command denied to user: '<user>@<host>' for
table 'template'

mysql error number: 1142

The errors are not only on the same table or only on the same query. The
problem is that if I connect using "mysql" from <host> to the db engine
using <user> and the password of vbulletin user and I try the same query
it succeeds. The error doesnt always show. So if I access a vbulletin
link for 30 times, one time it does an error and I get an email like the
one above.

The MySQL server is a 4.0.13, linux binary distribution from a mysql
mirror. The load average on the SQL machine is under 1. The SQL server has
an average of ~200 queries/s (in 30 days).

What should I do to debug this problem and find out the cause ? Thanks

Mihai RUSU

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