I have created two tables in mysql for users, and groups, but when I try to
log into the ftp server I get this error:

 backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.03'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: >>> sql_getconf
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: entering    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:  name: 'default'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:  user: 'proftpd'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:  host: ''
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:    db: 'proftpd'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:  port: '3306'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]:   ttl: '0'
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_defineconnection
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: entering    mysql cmd_open
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: connection 'default' opened
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: : connection 'default' count is now 1
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_open
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: backend successfully connected.
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: mod_sql status     : on
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: negative_cache     : off
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: authenticate       : users groups
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: usertable          : users
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: userid field       : userid
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: password field     : password
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: uid field          : uid
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: gid field          : gid
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: homedir field      : homedir
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: shell field        : shell
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: homedirondemand    : false
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: group table        : groups
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: groupname field    : groupname
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: grp gid field      : gid
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: grp members field  : members
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: SQLMinUserUID      : 999
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: SQLMinUserGID      : 999
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: SQLDefaultUID      : 65533
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: SQLDefaultGID      : 65533
Jun 02 08:07:13 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: <<< sql_getconf
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: >>> cmd_getgroups
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: entering    mysql cmd_escapestring
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_escapestring
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: cache miss for user 'test'
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: : entering  mysql cmd_select
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: entering    mysql cmd_open
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: connection 'default' count is now 2
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_open
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: query "SELECT userid, password, uid,
gid, homedir, shell FROM users WHERE (userid='te
st') LIMIT 1"
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: entering    mysql cmd_close
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: connection 'default' count is now 1
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_close
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: exiting     mysql cmd_select
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: unrecoverable backend error
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: error: '1054'
Jun 02 08:07:17 mod_sql/4.10[1108]: message: 'Unknown column 'password' in
'field list''

Could you tell me what I am doing wrong.  I am using ppmy-0.2 which gives
me a web interface that I can create users and groups.  I have also
included a SELECT statement which verfies that the user has been created:

mysql> SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = "test"
    -> ;
| userid | uid | gid  | passwd           | description | disabled | shell |
homedir        | expires             | email | name | ul_bytes | dl_bytes |
login_count | dl_count | ul_count | last_login |
| test   | 211 | 1038 | 132aab5d56aeb1bb |             |        0 |       |
/b/01/ftp/test | 2013-05-28 13:08:52 |       | Test |        0 |        0 |
0 |        0 |        0 | NULL       |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

Do you have any idea why I am getting this error, here is the proftpd.conf
file also:

ServerName                      "charlotte"
ServerType                      inetd
DefaultServer                   on

SystemLog                       /usr/local/var/proftpd/logs/ftplog
TransferLog                     /usr/local/var/proftpd/logs/ftplog
ScoreboardFile                  /usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                           022

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances                    30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

# To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
# directory, uncomment this line.
DefaultRoot ~

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
<Directory />
  AllowOverwrite                on

AuthPam                         on

#MySQL Directives
SQLConnectInfo                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306 proftpd proftpd
SQLAuthenticate                 users groups
SQLAuthTypes                    Crypt Backend
SQLLogFile                      /usr/local/mysql/data/proftpd/log/charlotte

Jesse Hardy

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