mysql> select * from Tickets limit 1;
| id | EffectiveId | Queue | Type   | IssueStatement | Resolution | Owner
| Subject       | InitialPriority | FinalPriority | Priority | Status   |
TimeWorked | TimeLeft | Told                | Starts | Started | Due
| Resolved | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated         | Creator | Created
| Disabled |
|  5 |           5 |     4 | ticket |           NULL |       NULL |    16
| RE: phonebook |              10 |            80 |       10 | resolved |
0 |     NULL | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | NULL   | NULL    | 1970-01-01
00:00:00 | NULL     |             1 | 2001-04-17 18:38:02 |       1 |
2001-04-17 18:26:46 |        0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Is there a way I can get the output unwrapped

something like this

mysql> select * from Tickets limit 1 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
             id: 5
    EffectiveId: 5
          Queue: 4
           Type: ticket
 IssueStatement: NULL
     Resolution: NULL
          Owner: 16
        Subject: RE: phonebook
InitialPriority: 10
  FinalPriority: 80
       Priority: 10
         Status: resolved
     TimeWorked: 0
       TimeLeft: NULL
           Told: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
         Starts: NULL
        Started: NULL
            Due: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
       Resolved: NULL
  LastUpdatedBy: 1
    LastUpdated: 2001-04-17 18:38:02
        Creator: 1
        Created: 2001-04-17 18:26:46
       Disabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Except I want it Horizontally




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