
I recently posted an email about 'Inoperable Symbolic Links in Win2K Pro '
and I subsequently subscribed to the belief that MySQL would fail when
installed in a location that was different that the default location.  I
tried a myriad of things to get the database system to function correctly.
I could not get it to work when it was installed as a service or when the
data was located somewhere different that drive c.

After a couple of days I gave up and removed MySQL.  But since I am
evaluating databases for use on my clients as well as my own platforms, I
decided to try using MySQL one more time.  But this time I went back through
six months of mail list archives and found the answer to my problems with
MySQL.  I had access to the drive where I was installing the data restricted
and when the MySQL attempted to access the drive an error was generated.

The whole point of this story is two things,

1.) My setup was the problem and not the software


2.) The mail list archive would benefit from some organizing.  Maybe the
mail threads could be arranged into sections of similar information.

I would be willing to help.


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