
I have a database which keeps track of STUDENTS doing CLASSES. Each CLASS
has a list of ASSESSMENTs and the database stores a GRADE for each each

The table structures are as follows:

class:      CID(*), Title, CourseCode, Year
student:    SID(*), FirstName, SecondName, StudentNo, Year, CID(FK)
assessment: AID(*), AssName, Weight, DueDate, CID(FK)
grade:      SID(*)(FK), AID(*)(FK), Grade, Shown

Is it possible to create an SQL query to do the following:

I want to list every STUDENT alongside every ASSESSMENT listed as being in
the CLASS that STUDENT is in, along with the GRADE the student received in

The query I was using was as follows:

SELECT FirstName, SecondName, AssName, Grade
FROM student, assessment, grade
WHERE grade.SID = student.SID
  AND grade.AID = assessment.AID
  AND student.CID = 1 (say).

This lists all the GRADEs for all the STUDENTs in CLASS 1.

My problem is that I want to do this with a LEFT JOIN so that even if the
STUDENT did not take a particular ASSESSMENT (and so there is no entry with
that combination of SID and AID in the GRADE table), the entry will still be
returned, just with a NULL value.

I was trying this with various combinations of LEFT JOINs on the three
tables, but none of them seemed to work.

Thank you.

Michael Cooney

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