Dear MySQL:

I am getting the error 'ERROR 1005: Can't create table './db/table.frm' (errno: 150)' using InnoDB tables on 4.0.13-max-log.

This is nothing to do with referential checking. The command:
SET foreign_key_checks=0
Does alow the import of referential tables, but not all tables. Some still give a '150'.

Generally the only consistent way I have found to avoid this is to drop all my tables and start again. But this is not practicle as I keep loosing all my data!

This is a problem I have come accross with InnoDB since first using these. I know I am not alone with this problem from the number of hits from a popular search engine from this error code. None of which suggest working fix's.

1. Can somebody please tell me a consistent way of avoiding and dealing with this problem.

2. Can somebody please tell me when this will be fixed for good.

3. Can somebody please adjust the error messages so that the newbe has a fighting change of understanding what the hell is going on.

Many thanks,

Ben Clewett.

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