Hey there everyone,

I'm trying to get a table of computer parts manufacturers populated with a list culled 
from my distributor and I'm having a devil of a time getting anything to work.  I'm 
totally new to MySQL and don't really know my SELECT from a hole in the ground just 
yet...which is probably the entire problem. ;)  Anyways.....

I'm trying to do this

INSERT INTO `manufacturers` (`manufacturers_name`, `manufacturers_image`) VALUES 
(`CREATIVE_LABS`, `manufacturer_CREATIVE_LABS.gif`);

to this table

CREATE TABLE `manufacturers` (
  `manufacturers_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `manufacturers_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `manufacturers_image` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `date_added` datetime default NULL,
  `last_modified` datetime default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`manufacturers_id`),
  KEY `IDX_MANUFACTURERS_NAME` (`manufacturers_name`)

and keep getting this:


SQL-query :  

INSERT INTO `manufacturers` ( `manufacturers_name` , `manufacturers_image` ) 

`CREATIVE_LABS` , `manufacturer_CREATIVE_LABS.gif` 

MySQL said: 

Unknown column 'CREATIVE_LABS' in 'field list'I know 'CREATIVE_LABS' isn't a colunm, 
and I didn't tell anyone that it was either.  Why is this thing convinced that it is?  

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