
I'm having problems trying to construct a delete query
from a table. Below is a scaled down version of the

host      user    date    id
mars      john   27-6     1
pluto     dave   27-6     2
venus     jane   27-6     3
mars      john   28-6     4
saturn    tom    28-6     5
pluto     dave   29-6     6

What I want to do is purge old records for each host
from the table. If I use the query:

SELECT max(date), host FROM table GROUP BY host;

Then I can get the latest record produced for each
host. There are never two records for a host produced
on the same date. So basically I want to remove all
records *other than* the latest records. If MySQL
supported sub queries then this would be easy: 

DELETE from table where id not in (SELECT max(date)
FROM table GROUP BY host)

Is this something I'm just going to have to do client
side? I figured I could run the query above to get all
id's of records to keep and then form a long string of
them i.e.

keepString = "(1, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 etc.)"

and then run ("DELETE FROM table WHERE date NOT IN" +
keepString) .

This seems a bit messy tho, and keepstring would
contain over 100 id's if used.

All ideas greatly appreciated

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