Hi.  I'm a relative MySQL newbie.

A few weeks ago, I installed MySQL 4.0.13 on my WinXP Home box.
After some use, the system began to run very slowly, e.g, the login
box, start menu, and other apps were taking a few seconds to respond
to my mouse.  Rebooting did not solve the problem.

By trial and error, I pinpointed the problem to the MySQL daemon, so I
shut down the daemon and uninstalled MySQL so that my system would
respond after reboot, and this worked.

I would like to work through these issues, so I have reinstalled MySQL
4.0.13.  But I am back at square one, trying to set up the server.  I see
the mysqld-nt.exe daemon running, but I cannot connect.  When I try
"mysql -u root" or "mysql -u root -p" with my previous password, I get

ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

I guess I need some hand-holding again, I can't seem to get past this.

Thanks for your help.

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