try --with-mysql=/usr

--- -{ Rene Brehmer }- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-posted to PHP General, PHP DB, and MySQL
> Hi gang
> Attempting to get my Linux test-server working, but
> ran into a problem when 
> "making" PHP...
> System is RedHat 8, Apache 1.3.27 (compiled myself,
> tested OK), MySQL 4.0.13.
> The Apache 2.0.40 and PHP 4.2.2 that came w. RH8
> didn't work correctly, 
> thus I've ventured into my own creation.
> Trying to build PHP 4.2.3 (because that's what my
> webhost runs, so need 
> that version to test correctly) w. support for
> MySQL. Running
> ./configure --with-mysql=/[path to mysql]
> --with-apxs=/[path to apxs]
> Found the path to the apxs to be
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs, but for the 
> life of me I cannot figure out what path to give it
> for MySQL. I installed 
> MySQL from the the RPM files:
> MySQL-client-4.0.13-0.i386.rpm
> MySQL-devel-4.0.13-0.i386.rpm
> MySQL-embedded-4.0.13-0.i386.rpm
> MySQL-server-4.0.13-0.i386.rpm
> MySQL-shared-4.0.13-0.i386.rpm
> client and server first, the rest second ... used
> --force to get them in, 
> because it complained about version issues with the
> one already there (even 
> though the package manager was told not to put the
> Mysql in, it still put 
> MySQL 3.something in...)
> When doing the configure above, I get this error:
> configure: error: Cannot find header files under
> /usr/include
> or whatever path I give it ... I'm having a hard
> time figuring out where 
> the RPM puts everything, and an even harder time
> figuring out what path to 
> stick to PHP ...
> Some detective work gave me these paths:
> MySQL (bins):
> /usr/bin
> /usr/share/mysql
> MySQL daemon (mysqld):
> /usr/libexec
> /usr/sbin
> MySQL headers (.h):
> /usr/include/mysql
> I've tried them all, but they all result in the
> above error. Anyone care to 
> guess which path I should give to the configure?
> Or is it something else that causes this?
> I haven't ever used MySQL before, or any other SQL
> for that matter, so got 
> 0 experience in getting the system up and running
> with it...
> Rene

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