Hello.  Thought Iıd pass this along to whoever cares.

error running the mysql-test-run as logged

> Installing Test Databases
> Removing Stale Files
> Installing Master Databases
> mysqld is missing - looked in ../bin
> Error:  Could not install master test DBs

Any suggestions?

I installed the package ³Complete MySQL² (MySQL dist.4.0.13) on a Mac OS X
10.2.6 box (PowerBookG3-400Mhz, 768MB) along with the ODBC and JDBC drivers.
Initialized and set root password.  Iıve confirmed that MySQL is installed
at /Library/MySQL and running, my ecommerce solution (oscommerce.org) works
fine, and I can confirm the ../bin folder is located up one level at
³../bin² from the working directory ³/Library/MySQL/mysql-test².

So everything works except the mysql-test-run.

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