I recently noticed that my MySQL server was getting about 3 connections every 2 
seconds.  Checking the error log I discovered that a user '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' was 
trying to connect to the server over and over and over and failing each time.  Curious 
as to what this 'user' was trying to do, I allowed the user to connect.  It turns out 
that the user simply executed the commands: SHOW DATABASES LIKE %, SHOW PROCESSLIST, 
SHOW STATUS once and then continued to SHOW STATUS every 10 seconds until I killed the 
connection, at which point it started the entire sequence again.
After much trial and error I discovered that changing the line "QueryInterval=10" in 
the my.cnf file to "QueryInterval=0" would fix this problem, and kept the user from 
trying to log onto the server. 
However, I have no idea why this worked an cannot find information anywhere about the 
"QueryInterval" Variable.
Does anyone know what effect my changing the value of QueryInterval will have, or 
where I can find information about it, most importantly, will changing the value to 
zero have any adverse effects on the server?
P.S. I'm running 4.0.13-nt on Windows 2000 Server and using ODBC to connect from a 
variety of other systems.

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