It would be nice if general query logging could be switched on and off
while the MySQL server is running, and not only at startup time.
While debugging an application that uses foreign database access
libraries, this would be very helpful. One could switch on logging,
perform an activity, switch off logging, and look what has happened.
Otherwise, the server has to be restarted to change logging, which
is a bit annoying...
mysql> show variables like 'log';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log           | ON    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set log off;
ERROR 1193: Unknown system variable 'log'
mysql> set session log off;
ERROR 1193: Unknown system variable 'log'
>Fix: ?
>Submitter-Id:  <submitter ID>
>MySQL support: none
>Synopsis:      switch query logging while the server is running
>Severity:      non-critical
>Priority:      low
>Category:      mysql
>Class:         change-request
>Release:       mysql-4.0.13-standard (Official MySQL-standard binary)
>C compiler:    2.95.3
>C++ compiler:  2.95.3
System: Linux xxx 2.4.18 #1 Wed Feb 12 17:10:01 CET 2003 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

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