It appears that an application I've been trying to run (RelataMail/Relata 
   CRM) deletes the mysql.sock from my system.  I'm running Redhat 8.0 with 
   MySQL 4.0.13.  Is there any way to restore the mysql.sock file (eg, from 
   the rpm) without having to rebuild the whole system?  (Reinstalling MySQL 
   didn't help.)


Sounds like you are running applications as root. Very bad.

Otherwise the 'user' that runs RelataMail should not be able to delete
files owned by the 'user' that runs mysqld.  There are dozens of ways
around this problem, the one of the easiest is to set a dedicated user
for mysqld (make an entry in /etc/password similar to the following --
adjusted for your system of course :)


and add the 'user' command to my.cnf :

# The MySQL server
user            = mysql

mysql, query

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